Cant move inventory items? Help please

Hi there guys, I don’t know what happened but I cannot move any of my inventory items, in the same inventory or passing an item. Its extremely annoying. I have swapped between both classic and reforge to see if that would help, but no go… =\

heres a guide explaining the best/simplest hotkey setup —>

let me know if you have questions or need any help :slight_smile:

Thanks, but this isnt a custom keys thing. Usually by default you can click hold and move and item around, right? I cannot do this. I cant move my tp from num7 to num1 for example.

are you talking about right-click on the item?

I can clip it and show you, or are we not allowed to post twitch vids? but if you are savvy with hotkeys - I use to have Entangle/Shadowmeld on E, now if i tab to a unit and hit E it just hides everyone and i cant entangle or rejuv - it just doesnt seem you can overlap a hotkey anymore.

that was never possible without using modifiers such as Alt+key

go ahead and show me, i really dont understand what you are trying to do

Update: Fixed it. But im still have trouble with overlapping hotkeys

you are all over the place my dude… was your first question solved with right-click?

Yes. Let me start over, I am sorry.

I couldnt move items in my iventory, Cause im retarded and was right click holding to move the item when its a single click. 15 Years and I just played myself. :stuck_out_tongue: (44-6 right now and this “bug” just started last night, but turns out im just an idiot )

Now before I use to have things setup like this

AoE spells/nuke spells were E so think of DK/Lich EtabE for coil/nova.

Shadowmeld was E for my elf units, but it never interfered with “E” for entangle, or rejuv. So i was able to TAB>Hide>Tab>Rejuv>Tab entangle, now even if I have KOTG selected to use E and its night time and units are in the group, entangle/rejuv will not work when I tab over, just hides all my units.

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ok so, im assuming that… are you using a customkeys.txt file you have edited yourself?? right?

i do not personally edit peoples keys for them

i made my keys set to QWER for all spells, in the link i posted above

i made that setup like 3-4 years ago, and I have updated them for reforged

but i dont make peoples setups for them

chances are you messed something up which is causing problems, but it is possible to overlap keys… i have all mine on Q so like coil nova = QQ or entangle = Q and DH manaburn = Q and build = q and moon well = q everything is q

Man, I would say I would feel silly if I messed something up, but I literally just went in there Cntrl+F spell change hotkey. But I d k if another setting is jacking it up. I will brb, then I will show you my issue and reply back with a clip .

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guys, I have the same problem. I can’t move an item in the hero’s bag. I click on it with both the left and right buttons and hold down ctrl or shift, nothing helps. how to solve a problem? I already deleted the custom file and updated Warcraft 3 to default. Does not help

It is right click on the item and left click where you want it to go. Works fine here. No holding any keys, no pressing both buttons together, it’s just right then left click.