Can't find the new Prison Wagon for Illidan

So, I’m going through all the images and hidden resources for Reforged, and I cannot for the life of me find where Illidan’s new Prison Wagon is!

If you look them up, it looks like a floating green crystal. It was shown in datamining here:x_ but ditch the underscore and x. It was supposed to replace the cage on wheels from the TFT Blood Elf Map 4, when you get Chen Stormshout to help you play “capture the cage” against Maiev.

At Hive Workshop in this thread: x_ it said it had the below filepath:


But when I enter that, it just takes me to a modified version of the Blood Elf wagon that you escort in TFT NE Map Six.

Did that awesome-looking green crystal model not make it in? Was it removed in one of the patches? I had some goals for that unit…

I believe the crystal wagon isn’t hidden and is in the normal campaign unit palette

I’ve checked every campaign option and I cannot find it.

And when I put in the path that Hive listed it went to a different wagon that is close to (but not exactly) the Blood Elf wagon.

Has anyone else found it, and where exactly?

looks like it’s gone

hmm people in Retera or CSW discord have it and uploaded it, I’ll see if there will be a post on Hive

alright someone posted the .mdx:

Reforged - Illidan fel crystal wagon is gone | HIVE (

I still wonder why do Blizzard remove such models from the game? Even if they are not used in the game, people could always find some use for them.

Who knows how many more models have been made and never put in the game?