Please Blizzard. I strongly do not like this new game client. It’s very slow and very clunky. Can you just give us the option for the original back?
This does not feel at all like a remaster, it feels like a major downgrade.
This is actually why I came to the forums - is there no way I can change the version to classic? I am trying to get access to the classic world editor and I assumed it would be a default option for me to toggle between the two versions. Now that I read this post… are you serious?
Yes, please! Give us 1.31 and, i don’t know, release balance and editor patches maybe. Send reforged back to the manufactory, maybe support 2 clients at the same time, and only when it’s ready, both graphically and technically, the only merge them, or, what I consider even a better option, make them cross compatible just as you promised.
Is not a feels is a true
This is not feels like a true. Please blizzy help my family
Yeah there is. Open world editor, click file, preferences, switch from HD to SD. I’m pretty sure this question was already answered at this forum.
Appreciate it. And yea I decided to take a look at some of the ongoing forums when I entered the site and after seeing that actually assumed I couldn’t. But good to know that I can.
Restore classic BNET so we don’t have to play on this God forsaken mess