Can we get improved model of Prince Menethil?

Today a new idea came up to me : Is there any way we will have reduced size of shoulder pads for paladin Prince Menethil , but honestly new design like paladin Prince Menethil shoulderpads from BFA WoW is appriciated?
Ty blizz you are awesome !


I’m really glad we had a new thread made for this, thank you.


I love how they are 5 posts regarding this now.

Maybe… I’ll make another one.


Oh man i would like to know more please , looking forward to it !
Rumors says he use anime face , can you elaborate more in new thread ?

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Arthas Reforged Model - #2 by KingOmelette-1782 please take a look at this thread.

Tnx for the elaborate.
I must go now and ride my unicorn until beta comes out (sorry if you are not familiar with unicorn story man,its a long long story a hidden lore)

and it must stay hidden

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