I unlock many picture/portrait with the campaign on one PC with my account, but if i loggin a other PC, this portrait are not unlocked.
But if i select this portrait on the good computer, when i loggin on the second, I have this portrait in game. But if i look my collection, it is not unlock.
It’s not explain…
I will never have my portrait on my principal computer if I dont finish a second time the campaign ?!
I don’t want my progress on my pc, just the portrait…
Do you think that will never change ? For you is not a bug ?!
Thanks for your reponse.
One work around is if you select the portrait on the one you have it, you’ll still retain it on the other computer you logged into, you just can’t change it to anything else.
Give this a try. It copies campaign progress so maybe it will copy portrait unlocks too. But instead of storing it somewhere, copy it to the other computer.
I don’t know what will happen if you copy it on top of what’s already there, so if it acts weird, try deleting the info first, then copying it over.