[BUG REPORT] Warcraft 3 doesn't work, can't play on custom with friends

Hello, it’s seriously annoy me… I can’t play warcraft III IN THE LIVE VERSION. I’m with 2 friends and I create a custom game. We start and my 2 friends are blocked on the loading screen “waiting for players”, and when we tried to play on a custom map, ( there was only 2 changes : wood have 3x their life and goldmine 1000000gold), we are loading the game and =====> the game is finished, we are in the end screen with score.
I seriously need support and attentive listening to my request that prevents us from simply playing your game. Thanks.


If you actually wrote down something cohesive we could help you.

Game 1 on a map created by blizzard : I’m A with my friends B and C. I’m hosting the game online, on the battle net menu. They can join my lobby and I start game. I join it and I can play but my 2 friends are blocked in the loading screen with the blue bar, it show them “waiting for players”. So they weren’t able to play with me.

Game 2 : We try to play on a map created by blizzard BUT modified by me. I explain what I changed with the MapEditor. I just changed that gold mines contains more gold and the trees need more hit on them to destroy them. My friends and me are on the lobby. I start the game, we’re all on the loading screen and… we didn’t play 1 second that instantly the game is won and it shows the screen with score. Thanks, if you need more informations, tell me.


I am having the same problem


+1 on this issue - keep getting kicked from custom games after the game stats. Just sends us back to stats screen.


im having the same problem… game loads and then im on the stats screen. any help would be much appreciated

Dont be an a$s, you know hes talking about blizzard desync issue.

I am having the same issue here. .