Bug exiting areas in Rexxar campaign

There is no fix and it is still active in the PTR.

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same problem here on Live-Version

It’s very frustrating because I really wanted to complete the game before DragonFlight, but well…

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Same issue. It must be fixed

So new patch came out, after 4 months, wasnt listed and tried it, STILL NOT FIXED!! Ive given up playing this that I dont open it up anymore. Playing campaigns over and over has gotten stale.

Edit: Ok, after searching elsewhere and testing, seems to be fixed in PTR

Guys all you need is to write cheat “AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs”. You will be transferred to next mission. Rexxar still will be 1-st lvl. But, never the less, you will be able to continue campaign!

how long does Blizzard wanna take to fix the Rexxar Campaign…
It bugged when i play both mode, classic and reforged …
Fix your game bruh!!!

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Same problem. Blizzard, please fix it!!!

Can’t travel between locations in wc3 refored, frozen throne edition, horde(Rexxar) campain. When u trying to return from zone with quests, somenthing like frozen script happends and it looks like some sort of cinematic not loading or somenthing alike.

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How about this, either blizzard fixes this or they give us our money back. Selling us a defective game isn’t legal. Mabe if the word class action lawsuit gets tossed around they will [Profanity removed]. Rexxar campaign is my favorite and I’m being ripped off. I want my money back.


Yes, I can also confirm bug!
Although I think, this “Shimmerweed collecting” story is not the best one. Blizzard should re-think of something more “decent”. Kids also play this game!
From wowpedia fandom : " Shimmerweed is often used in jokes referring to it as a Warcraft version of c… "

Forum do not even let me write the word , but Blizzard introduced it, (not me)!
Ah yes, why CAN Blizzard use a word that I CAN NOT ?!?

January 13th 2023
Captain’s log: still located in South America. Game’s still broken. I still have faith… that some day, this will be fixed. What an awful time to be alive.

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The same trouble on MAC Air. Where can I send some details (logs, videos etc.) for resolution this issue?

Having the same issue. Is Blizzard just leaving it like this or what? Kinda messed up.

I believe the PTR should have fixed the rexxar campaign bugs, just wait for it to be live.