Hi there. While I really appreciate the effort to continue to support the game and its community, and returning the old terrain as an option is a step in the right direction, the recent patch has a few broken model for the trees when using the old HD terrain options.
From what I’ve seen the tree models for the Northrend/Icecrown, Outland/Black Citadel, Barrens and Sunken Ruins tilesets are the only ones broken. Hope this can be fixed quickly.
This problem is not only about trees models. The same problem applies to landscape and environment models (especially rock models on the Outland map).
As of the latest hotfix only the “Icecrown Tree Wall” is broken. Thank you for fixing the other models and hope you can fix this last one too.
Not quite. The trees on the Barrens maps date back to version 2.0 (this can be seen from their bark). And the rocks and ice on the Outland and Icecrown Glacier maps don’t change at all when switching to the original Reforged graphics. They look like they did in version 2.0.
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