Bring back storm bolt

One of the things I loved most about wc3 was Mountain King storm bolt strategies in solo play.

I dont see what nerfing bolt and buffing clap accomplished. We should have the option to choose the lv 3 power spike instead of being forced into clap because its the obvious choice.

Bring back storm bolt!


I’m personally hoping that they do their best to make ALL heroes decent. Not saying it needs to be 100% balanced, as this isn’t a MOBA, but 95% - 105% would be good.


Yeah if they would have just buffed clap it would have been good. However now clap is too good not to use because human meta is currently very weak and only a few strats can compete with the other races.

And i guess because clap is so good now storm bolt needs a nerf. This bdlance change single handidly destroyed a playstyle.


Try to use Pitlord instead of MK with Rof and cleave, you ll see how trash is mk in comparison. The only drawback is that you cant heal him with pala.

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Take your trolling elsewhere.

I have to agree that I am a little disappointed here; if they desire to balance the human race they should find ways that don’t eliminate a particular tried and true play style. I think many would actually argue that humans are the weakest race. Storm Bolt was a staple spell that had been core to MK play style for over 15 years. I think their approach to changes here should try to achieve balance without robbing the game of its nostalgia concerning how players have adapted their play going back over a decade and a half. I’m primarily an Orc player, but I would be frustrated if they made balance changes that required me to say, somehow play BM or WC differently, or require me to rely on any set of hero abilities with a different priority and play style. Taking too many liberties of this nature could quite candidly have me considering moving away from the game. I’m not trying to over-react, but if changes continue in this direction it could put me off entirely. I stopped playing Dota 2 (was 4k) because of changes made to a single hero, my favorite hero, techies. It was a principled thing, not that I couldn’t have enjoyed the game still, but Valve caved due to noobs complaining and eventually completely reworked one of the most unique heroes in the game. Techies win rate wasn’t threatening either, he just allowed for a unique play style that goes all the way back to Dota’s roots, or did. This killed the most nostalgic part of Dota for me. I can get over the Bolt nerf, as I understand other balance changes were added, but in principle I think this is the wrong direction to be heading and I’m certain a lot of MK players are not happy about it either. Humans already have easy access to aoe, and the catch plus nuke combo from Storm Bolt really complimented a weakness of theirs as opposed to buffing Clap.


Now heres a guy who gets it.

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I just want the paladin to be useful earlier on. Alchemist is the better choice

Actually, with the mk nerfs I think the paladin is the best second hero choice in a lot of matchups now. Especially Hu-NE where you really want single damage heal vs entangle instead of aoe heal. Shop control for invuls + sorceress adept train allows you to go full devo aura build though I still usually go for the 2-1-1 build just to be safe.
Still, alche ends up being my choice in more games than pala just due to the instant buy. But with the mk nerfs and slight aura buffs for pala, he shouldn’t be discounted as a viable second hero option at least.