Bring back male DK undead OR REFUND!

Why you changed it ?!


That´s Sexist… much love for the female DK, there should be a 50/50 chance to get a male or female hero.


Lol you have problems, changing the original design so it can be female is more sexist than wanting the original back…


So why we can have maeiv into male so ?

no one want

bring back dk male or refund


Love it, that’s fine. To be honest it’s not a bwdodel, but give us an option to choose.

I am not going to buy the game with 50/50 gender swap. Not my cup of tea.


You have Problems, complaining about playing a female Version of a hero :frowning:

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Welp. It’s the end of the world… I have been preparing for this day… The apocalypse… The DK is now a female…

Nobody really wants this btw. You either want a male DK or a female one or you just don’t care i suppose. But if that is the case then… Well, you don’t care lol.

Ummm no.


there will likely be an option in the form of skins later, be patient.

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There is only ONE viable way to handle this:

  1. Make reforged multiplayer exactly as it was the last 17 years as far as units go
  2. give players the ability to buy the skins they want male/female/transgender/diverse I dont care black/white/whatever
  3. give players the option to disable and not see said skins from players that choos to buy those

God damn it is so easy! Dont screw this up Blizzard!

I guess I refund before its to late and buy again IF they get sane…


I guess there should be an Option to choose between male, female or random for people who don´t care. That would satisfy everyone.


I like the female Version way more than the male one, we’ve had the male one for so many years so its great they mixed it up. Your post is also kinda sexist, maybe you should go outside instead of crying about this

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Yeah they said exactly “me keep original warcraft 3”. Cmon man chill, you can always instaquit on the matches when you get her, if you reall don’t like her. Easy.

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Wahhh you don’t like what I like WAHHH SEXIST. gtfo


triggered much ? xD

I think that it’s going to be random unless you choose the skin manually.
It’s probably just the female one for the beta since the male one isn’t finished yet.

Edit: Her lines are pretty bad imo tho. Her joke lines just aren’t charming or funny, I was pretty disappointed with them.
The model looks great tho.

But some of her lines when you keep clicking her and her voice acting just feels weird. Maybe it’s because of how iconic the Death Knight was, but there’s just something that feels strange.

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it will likely be like with the ghost in starcraft 2 except that they include only the female version in the beta.

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Female heroes are great, changing the gender of a hero for no reason is not so great.

Ummm yes.

In fairness’ sake, Blizzard was started up by a bunch of nerdy rock and roll/metal brosephs. They always had reasons for stuff I’m sure. I’m especially sure a lot of the time the reasons were “rule of cool”.

the male death knight is still in the game. if you place heroes, you can choose between male an female skins for some.