Bonus Attack Speed Lost on Rexxar Campaign

Hello. Long time blizzard customer here. I have recently been playing Warcraft 3, (I am loving reforged!) and I encountered a bad bug: I spent many hours in act 1 farming creeps to save up gold so I could buy Tomes of Agility from the shop. After spending tons of gold, I had VERY FAST attack speed on all three of my heroes. When I switched maps to progress the main story, ALL of my bonus attack speed I had gained from bonus Agility was lost! I was attacking like I had 18 agility again despite having 95 agility on one of my heroes. I was dismayed to find out all of my hard work had simply vanished. I have 2 separate save games to show what I am talking about, one before I changed maps, and I was attacking Very Fast, to after I switched maps and am now attacking AVERAGE speed. Please look into this. To test it out, I encourage you to buy lots of agility tomes from the shop until your attack speed is VERY FAST. Then switch maps to anywhere, such as Thunder Ridge or Beast Den, and you will see how slow you are attacking, and all that bonus attack speed will be gond forever and never come back. Thanks for looking into this, I really appreciate it. Lok’tar Ogar!


as far as i’m aware that’s not a bug >.>

That’s really not a bug? Is it something that was done on purpose to keep your heroes attacking slow?

Just experienced this as well, was bored and spent a couple hours spamming agility tomes on brewmaster in the draenor arena only for it to be reset when i exited the map.

How is this not a bug, it’s annoying and unintuitive.