Blizzard response to this failure


The whole article is work of some PR guy, not the Reforged Team. So why is there wrong signature ?

Nevertheless it is just non saying crap. Im sorry for calling it like that, but I can not think of other words how to describe it. Only weak minded person can truly believe that the respond is true and sincere.

I mean I have so much important questions that are not answered there.

  • Why did you make the main menu as chromium web app ?
  • Why did you make the main menu so unintuitive ?
  • Why the actual gameplay runs so poorly ?
  • Why is the game after launch still not complete ?
  • Why the old developer team of 2002 beat you on all aspects when you got all the modern technology available to you ?
  • Why did you chose to break your promise and deliver completely different product than what was promised ?
  • Why did you not let classic campaign alone and reforge a new one that was promised ?
  • Why did you change EULA ?
  • Why did you make the final cutscene between Illidan and Arthas look like cheap China rip off ?
  • Why it took you so long to respond ?
  • Why is this response so insincere, impersonal and short ?

The only thing that i can give positive feedback about is the automatic refund option which I will propably use soon. And maybe next year Ill see if Blizzard finally got to release the final, polished product.


If you’ve got the ability to refund, just do so. Why bother making the post? Vote with your wallet and move on.

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I’m all for voting with your wallet, but if someone actually cares about Warcraft 3 and want it to have a good remaster, then why exactly should they just “move on” after refunding, rather than giving feedback and fostering discussion and awareness about the situation?

You might want to just move on, and that’s fine. But for others, there’s plenty of reasons to post about it.


This is more common than people think. The problem is how it was implemented in W3R. More of an optimization problem than a problem with Chromium

  • Why did you make the main menu so unintuitive ?

An example? It’s pretty bare-bones

This is more common than people think. The problem is how it was implemented in W3R. More of an optimization problem than a problem with Chromium

Hmm, interesting. Any elaboration with the particular issues with WC3R’s chrome integration? I would have simply waived it off as a nonsense move if you had not brought this up, I’d like some insight if you have any.

They never promised to totally redo the campaign or release two separate campaigns. They promised updates to SOME missions. More than what they actually did and should have done, but I’m more disappointed about them not updating the level design & item pool. tFT applied a TON of improvements to both of these things from RoC, and even the new RoC levels don’t follow it’s principles. It’s more concerned with making things recognisable for WoW players.

The changed the EULA to protect their financial interests. That’s pretty obvious. They don’t want another DotA 2 situation.

Agreed 100%