You can say that again! Only people who have bought the game has the right to complain. People who havent can critize all they want but in other places.
Only people who have been president have the right to complain about the president.
wrong comparison. Try harder next time.
While his comparison is bad saying only people that bought the game have the right to complain is pretty stupid too
i mean it Litteraly directly affects people that did not buy the game
How? /10chars
Due to the changes to the classic version
(should probably have specified people that did not buy the Reforged Edition)
They still have the game. One.
And two, I said W3 owner, not W3 Reforged only owners.
There are many, many, many accounts created who doesn’t own W3 nor Reforged who they are here just for the lolz and trolls. This are the ones who needs to be blocked from commenting here.
As for one well they still own the game but they are affectet (wheter good or bad doesent matter in this case) so should be allowed to comment here But since i anyway seem to have misread it (in reference to your point two) then my bad i guess you do are aware of that
Yhea it is starting to get harsh remembering little details like that since i spent way to much time in here since reforged release (didnt even know this forum existet beforehand)
Edit Some spelling Erros
Someone has to paid more atention while reading
Lol. You think there are many people who do not own at the least W3RoH and TFT here? And they all are part of the Reforged family, thanks to geniuses at Blizzard merging clients!
I’ll never understand why with every bad thing a company does there will always be a handful of exceptionally deluded people that want to be contrary for the sake of it. I wonder what disorder it satisfies?
Yhea my bad after a few hours of reading and listening etc the brain starts to kinda shut off (not to mention emotional influences)
Owned it, refunded it…Blizzard deserve every bit of criticism and anger they are being sent over Reforged IMO.
I can understand when Developers make design choices I disagree with as I am only one person. However, when they advertise one thing and fail to deliver most of it then there is a real problem. Not to mention this game has lees features than the original and is broken on launch!
The game would have been better off without Reforged at this point…
It should be read only for you kids who cannot produce hard copies of the original game.
You made a post titled “WCIIIR is perfect”.
You’re either a paid troll or you should be doing your algebra homework.
That would make things even worse and throw fuel onto the fire. People are already upset that Blizzard is deleting posts detailing how to get refunds. Restricting forum access would only serve to further fuel the ire of fans.
I also don’t think it’s advisable because Warcraft III and Warcraft III reforged are essentially the same game now. So would the forums only be accessible to those that purchased reforged? I can guarantee you that there are many people that bought Warcraft 3 years ago and who are livid about what reforged has done to the state of that classic game.
Restricting access to the forums would in a fashion cut those people out from the discussion and serve to ostracize them further at a point when they are already feeling like they have had a wedge drove deep into the game they have enjoyed for years.
And yes I have my physical copy and keys. So regardless of whether I bought Reforged or not I still would have been…well I will leave it at that…