Blizzard, make Forum read-only for those who do not own W3!

Title …

Exactly like WoW Forums.

Reasons: Many …


Nah, they wont <3

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But they should! At this point, the ones like you who doesn’t own the game ( if you do own it, sorry :slight_smile: ) are here just to spread hate. No constructive feedback, nothing.


Hahaha what a shill / pathetic fanboy / whiteknight.

This should have been done not now, for damage control, but maybe during beta, so the feedback from real beta testers wasnt confronted by blizzard fanboys that didnt even play the beta.

This way the release would have been much better than now.


As you can see, this is the W3 Forum. I own W3, so even if people like you say “MAKE THIS READ ONLY”, people like me are still around <3


How many times can you say the same…“critique” ? Seriously. I bet that this is your at least second account ( the first was banned? ) , which you made it just to …push the hate forward, right?


Probably you haven’t realised how much serious this whole situation is. They sold the people a product that wasn’t like it was described, moreover they are still denying refunds. And how about the fact that now everybody is forced to play that broken Reforged version instead of the old one, even if they didn’t buy the game?


Bravo! :slight_smile: I respect that!

That won’t get rid of me either. Though i do find it amusing that you created this thread as soon as you stopped replying to me in the other thread.


i got the game and it sucks b4lls. So hate is appreciated here.


Well you can close thise forum for us who didnt waste money on WC3 Refunded but then again… give me a WC3 original Forum since that the game i own and im not accepting them downgrading it into something even EA wouldnt have done.

To be fair toxic behavior is not dependent on wheter people own the game or not
sure some might come over just to hate on it however while that might be annoying locking the forum behind buying the game would just mean the people that anyway hate on it are gonna continue (just on reddit or whatever other forums they use)
and it would even give those that just wanna hate on it even more reasons to do it and create a even worse public image

This is the real concern which exist as of now and which I completely agree.

I won’t comment on …whatever else you’ve typed!

Constructive feedback? U mean something like: Dear Blizzard do not lie to us! Do not make fools of us… things like that?


How many accounts have you made so far?

Bro don’t waste your time on these guys. The hate train will die down in a week or two and these kids will bring out their pitchforks for some other stupid crap. Before it was the Hong Kong issue but now you don’t hear much about that do you? People got the memory of a fly nowadays.


I don’t own reforge. Yet I am still here hating. Because it is VALID. and we can all see that wether we own the game or not. Because we can see the finished product on the internet. etc… I won’t buy it. def dodged a bullet here.



Why are you shilling so hard for this rubbish? It’s garbage and Blizzard should be ashamed. Certainly not what was advertised.

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Its a video game that sucks why are you so admit on defending low effort garbage. If you are enjoying it just enjoy it stop trying to fight internet people who are trying to get Blizzard to fix the issues with the game. If they get blizzard to fix things guess what the game you like gets BETTER.

You don’t need to own the game to realize that it’s false marketing.