Blizzard give us a Customisable Command Card! *Video*

A request for the Blizzard Developers to improve hotkeys by implementing keybinds & a drag and drop feature for a customisable grid. As well as allowing special characters to now be bindable as hotkeys.

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I agree with everything mr WTii said. It is especially important if some GRID hotkey user got “different” ability layout for an update and then his muscle memory is ruined - it happened to me some time ago with FS abilities and Units in the Goblin Laboratory.

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Uh, last I checked this was already in the PTR… You posted this in the PTR forum… have you actually opened the PTR version?

That said, I don’t recall them ever moving abilities around on the command card and ruining anyone’s muscle memory…

Edit: Well I was checking this but the game keeps crashing when I go to the hotkeys tab so … yeah. But it appears that while you can define keys for every button on the command card per unit, you can’t actually move the buttons around on it. It’s just displayed that way to make it easier to make changes.

The second point still stands though. Short of new abilities being added, I dont recall them ever moving buttons on the command card to throw off the “muscle memory” of everyone with custom keybinds.

Do you deliberately try to misunderstand the post?

“A request for the Blizzard Developers to improve hotkeys by implementing keybinds & a drag and drop feature for a customisable grid. As well as allowing special characters to now be bindable as hotkeys.”

It is a suggestion/request whilst they are working on this iteration of the PTR & perhaps going forward.

It would greatly improve player functionality in games, particularly custom games.

While I personally don’t see any reason to move the button locations around, any UI improvement would be welcome. Why not make the whole interface customizable though? I’d prefer to have the minimap in another place, for instance. I believe the button locations can already be edited in CustomKeys.txt, and there are probably tools online that can help you with that.

The biggest issue WC3 has with custom hotkeys is that there are just so many units and abilities in the game. In fact, there are limitless units and abilities since they can be added at a mapmaker’s discretion. The linking of similar abilities on different units and depricated abilities between different versions and campaigns can also become problematic. Should the Frost Nova of Lich, Kel’Thuzad, Ice Revenant, etc. all have the same hotkey behavior, even though the spell effects might be different? Walkers for example are produced from a different building in melee and campaign. Should changing the hotkey in melee affect their campaign hotkey in the other building? Should changing the hotkey of shaman in melee affect campaign shaman hotkey? What if changing the melee hotkey for shaman conflicts with the campaign hotkey for Walker?

So to use your drag and drop method as an example, if I move the Stop command to another spot, should that affect all units with the stop command, or just that unit? How do you deal with conflicts if it moves it for all units? Some units even have their own internal layout conflicts. For example, invoker in the dota map has I think 12 spells, but there are only 2 spots available depending on the spells he has invoked (In addition to his baseline 4 abilities). You can’t really permanently assign those spell locations. Those are the situations where things get difficult.

I do like the idea of being able to reassign the menu and option keybindings.

You can’t “deliberately try” to misunderstand something. Either you understand it or you don’t.

If you feel that I misunderstood something, feel free to enlighten me on what that is and clarify it. But from what I read, it sure seems like the comment is seeking a solution to a problem that never really existed (there is an implication that Blizzard/Whoever was sabotaging players by moving buttons around on the command card, but I’m not aware of this ever happening). I’m not in any way suggesting that more/better functionality is a bad thing. But the justification for it needs to be better if you want to convince people (especially Blizzard) of that. Every feature/addition/fix has a cost, so they can’t just do everything everybody wants.

Also, I made a mistake after I initially made the post, hence the edit to correct it.

I’m so sick and tired of people assuming malice.