Since the last beta patch, when i start the game the only thing i see is the blackscreen and the cursor. I was not the only one with this problem, the game is released today, and the bug still there… whats is happening?
Same here
Hey guys,
What monitors do you have and when is the black screen happening? Right after hitting play or after a loading screen?
My monitor is a Led Samsung flat. I press play in Battlenet, black screen, the ingame cursor appears and thats all. The cursor moves, the computer works, but nothing happens.
I have a Lenovo ideapad Y700 laptop. Happens right after I hit play. The first time I booted up the game the intro cinematic worked fine. When it gets to the main menu I can hear sound effects but totally black except for mouse cursor. Cursor does not work on anything after trying to click random places on the black screen. I can hear something happening when I hit the escape key but that’s it.
I have the same problem and a lenovo laptop too.
I have same problem… black screen refund me $
I have HP Notebook, beta played just fine, but since Reforged went live all I can see is a cursor on a black screen right after hitting play. Please help
same, when are they going to fix that?
my Warcraft III classic showed same issue since patch
guess not a screen issue , something broken in patch ?
i have the same problem, tried different screens running on laptop tih win 8.1…
tried going into o graphics settings nothing works its a joke
This situation make me crazy
3440 x 1440P Monitor. This game needs a patch to add 21:9 Ultrawide Aspect Ratio.
Just tried to run the game on my wife’s laptop, another Lenovo ideapad Y700. Same black screen issue. We have our AMD Radeon graphics cards completely updated. God, at this point I’d love to at least get INTO the game, even if it is full of other bugs. WHY!?!?!?!?
Yes. I want to play the game. Please help ya Blizzard.
Just launched the map editor, everything was showing up fine. Units, terrain, buildings, all looked great. Black screen is definitely a game issue. Too bad I didn’t buy the game just to make maps! :-I