Being brainless fan of old lore is stupid

No one was going to rewrite it in the first place - Just extend it,add some new background characters add close the plot hole

Making Cutscenes is not the same as making Cinematics… Cutscenes were amazing but because of purists we will never see it again…The story is ruined by horrible,lifeless,RTS type of cutscenes

If you are talking about ingame ones, we have seen nothing yet so we don’t know what is changing and what is not. What exactly are you blaming purists for? Blizz said they are scaling back the changes, but nothing about making it exactly like the original either.

Watch the blizzcon 2019 panel again.

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They’re said that they are making it EXACTLY like the original ones,Editor cutscenes proves it. They just gonna add few more angles and animations but in-game cutscenes still gonna be horrible

Give me your source then.

I’m sure when you find it, its not what you think it was as exact as you remembered it.

Go watch panel again - they said that they will just add few more anumations like pointing,or walk instead of runing,with slightly different angles,but not the perfect cutscenes we saw last year

Yes, exactly.

Not the cutscenes we saw last year. But also not the exact same as the original.

They admit they went too far with the cutscenes in 2018. Thats it. And we still see a remastered version of the Illidan v Arthas fight, not just the old one with updated angles. This is a mixed message from Blizzard, not a clear one like you are indicating.

Like I just said - we do not know what is changing and what is not changing. Blaming this on purists is nonsense, considering the Arthas v Illidan 5 second teaser was already new material.

Arthas vs Illidan is the ONLY exception. On other hand - Old style is horrible

How do how know ONLY?

What is your source? Why do you know more than the rest of us here?

Have you seen or played the new version of the Culling? Do you know it is the exact same as before now?

They had to make Arthas vs Illidan special,cause all of us been waiting for a fully animated Cinematic

And how do you know that is ONLY one that os changed? How are you confirming this information?

I ask because you are using this very info to blame purists for the game having less change, which I am saying is baseless at this point in time.

They said no new voicing for the game too right?

But DK and DH females are new voices. This is the kind of misquoting that is being used against purists.

We were having an AMAZING game,and then those guys come up with whining “Beh beh,We want it to be like Original game!”

So what? Why is it their fault?

Blizzard is the one deciding the change, they are not beholden to anyone. Do you think they are adding 5th race because people want it too?

You need to check your facts before you make baseless attacks.

I don’t think Blizz cares about purists at all honestly considering so much of the art is already changed to WoW concepts. Look at the Hippogryph, thats an F U to purists. Why would they suddenly care about Purists for cutting features?

Reality check - they cut features because they bit off more than they can chew and have no room to backtrack.

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They were having an amount of ideas,but they had to scraped it because of bunch of idiot made them think that “People love old cutscenes and lore more than something fresh”

So tell me why the Hippogryph is a parrot now? Why does Grom have no black jaw? Why does Malfurion have wings on his arms and Tyrande have green hair?


These are all changes. And here you are asking for changes. So should I blame you? Is this logical to you?

You want change, I see changes, therefore it is your fault?

Think about what I have said.

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How can you compare tiny art style changes to the fact that Cutscenes are now ugly and “More original”,To the fact that there’s no Lore changes,new Cinematics,NEW Graphics instead of ugly state we have now

How can you blame a group for wanting the spirit of Warcraft 3 kept the same for the removal of cutscenes when the minority of minority of purist was asking for removing cutscenes?

Like… even Grubby is a purist and he liked the cutscenes.

How do you even know the cutscenes are ugly? You are literally judging before you have even seen it. Where are these ‘editor cutscenes’ you are talking about? The old campaign maps being loaded in the editor which are buggy and broken with off scale models and color tinted units? I hope you are not seriously talking about those.


can u stop spamming brainless comments?


Previous cutscenes were amazing and no matter what they do now - New ones are gonna be ugly as hell,with these stupid portraits,and emotionless animations

If you really think that they meant that every cutscene is going to be like Arthas vs Illidan - What was the reason of scraping 2018 style? Cause Arthas vs Illidan is exactly the 2018 style

No, I don’t think every cutscene will be like Arthas vs Illidan. I did not say it will be. I said you made a claim that all cutscenes were being made exactly like the original, which was never clearly stated by Blizzard. I said we have not seen any cutscene at all so we can’t comment on what is ugly or not.

You are the one making these claims. You are the one using these claims to blame purists. I am telling you straight up - I don’t care if you think 2018 new cutscenes are the best and anything else is ugly - you are making absolutely baseless claims and you are full of lies for making these statements without anyone having seen anything from the game yet.

As I explained, the more likely reason why the cutscenes were scrapped is due to time and scheduling. It takes time to storyboard out and set cameras and get facial animations done. Likely they want to refocus and spend animators time on polishing ingame animations instead. That means scaling back fancy cutscenes. That is the more likely reasoning.

They could hire more animators, but that means bugger budget and likely that is not an option. Time and money is the biggest reason why cutscenes are being cut, not purists.

I am not saying you are wrong about what you are saying. I am saying you can not confirm anything you say and it is all baseless without anyone knowing or seeing the final product, just like the people complaining about no male DKs for the longest time. You can have the opinion that you prefer the 2018 cutscenes, but you can’t use that to say the current cutscenes which no one has seen are automatically ugly; that is a baseless opinion.

Its like saying your future kid will be ugly because they are no Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. Two things wrong there - ugliness is not a standard of comparison to the cream of the crop; and no one can guarantee what someone looks like in the future. Your future kid is not automatically ugly just because they don’t meet your personal standard of beauty.