
Hello everyone, I hope you are well,

In the old Warcraft 3 and TFT you could freely create accounts to be able to start from 0 your ladder stats, in this new version is it possible to do it? I started playing and things have changed a lot since 1.24, my win rate is very bad and I would like to reset the stats.

I am waiting for a comment from someone who knows about this.


No, you can’t. But you can change your name, and then it starts over. You should join the Discord server ‘W3 Gym.’ They can answer everything and help you with build orders, strategies, mentoring, etc.

No, you can’t do that, and it’s a good thing. Your stats should reflect your actual performance, not what you want it to be.

I respect the desire as a part of me would like to as well. But it’s really better on the whole that we can’t.

The only way to truly start fresh is to have another account or get a name change. You can change name once for free, after that it costs money except in certain special circumstances.

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ok I understand, thank you very much for your answers. I just need to revert the stats or practice to change the nickname haha have a nice day!