Banimento indevido

devolvam minha conta inocente! eu mal comprei o jogo, nao tive tempo de jogar online e já baniram ela. tive de criar esta conta pra reclamar pq os links da blizzard so servem para perder tempo até voltar à primeira tela.
Aparentemente tenho que passar minha tarde de descanso reclamando e passando desgosto

Simple translation for those who don’t know portugese:

“wah wah I got banned wah wah”

amigao I bought the game one night, the next morning it was banned, no chance to even play the game I bought
Sounds funny to you?

Well you had to have done something, they dont ban people just for fun. In fact its pretty hard to get banned at all.

If you were not using cheating tools, the only other thing tay could get you banned that easily is being on a network with someone else who has been banned, which im some cases can lead to that IP address ramge being blacklisted


It didn’t happen either, help me spread the word. I bought the game in one night, played the campaign alone until mission six of the humans, and went to sleep, all alone. The other day I came across this ban. I’ve opened a dispute ticket but it’s still unresolved. please help me.

As I said, most likely someone on your ISP or network got banned and you were caught in the middle. Only support can help you.

The only other possibilities are:

  • your account got compromised by a third party and they got you banned
  • your account was banned due to a chargeback or other payment issue from a recent or past purchase. If this is the case, the ban will only be lifted when the chargeback is reversed.