Auto losing Campaign

I was on Chapter one of the tutorial looking through game options, with no units in combat.

I suddenly was taken to the defeat screen. Not sure if other people have seen this.


Did not happen to me, but I didn’t linger toying with the settings like you.

I did alter many settings on the Human Chapter 1 though, took me probably 10 minutes maximum, but no auto-defeat there.

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I’ve seen a few people mention something similar in the general chat on the main screen.


Got the same issue, too.

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Was able to play Chapter One without any issues. I saved my game and took a break and started WC3R again then my saved game was missing and I was back to Chapter one. Only this time, the auto losing campaign keep popping up.

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Yup I had that issue, exactly when i was looking through the options as well. Was very awkward.

I’m also consistently when entering a new mission, after pressing ‘any key to start’ it just automatically sends me to the defeat screen without even spending a second in the mission.

Same, pre-ordered the game in december 2018, and get this, nice.


same problem
Edit: I fix the problem maybe. I deinstall all Gamefiles from Warcraft 3 and the beta. I delete all Regedit Files from Warcraft 3 and install the game new! After this i can play the prolog mission. But i have no idear it will also work on other missions!

I got auto lost in 4th mission. Played time : 00:00. As you can see on the screenshot . Good job Blizz :wink: Also this system dont let me post screenshots or external links to prove it…

Name of mission : Chapter Four - Fires down bellow

Make sure you havent changed any settings. That messes up the campaign completion for some reason. I had to put my profanity filter back on, reload the game and everything was fine.

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Thanks, that worked for me! This is really crazy and stupid.

Try start different mission and then go back to one you wanted to play , it worked for me.

Deinstall all WC3 and WC3 Beta Files on your System. Delet all Reg-Edit Files from Warcraft3 and the Beta. Reinstall WC3 Reforged. Finish! Afters this i have no problems!

save issue… Warcraft 3 reforged. Auto Losing Campaign - YouTube

i had this issue also, when i started a the first mission in the “orc/Thrall” proluge mission i got sent to the defeat screen, i uninstalled the Beta and now its working just fine.

Dont have any beta files and it should work.

I had this happen to me on the INTERLUDE right before Human Chapter 3 or 4. It then wouldn’t let me load any campaigns (click the campaign, nothing happens, not even an error message) so I had to restart the entire game in order to continue. I was concerned briefly that my save would corrupt.

I don’t even have the Reforged Edition, and my campaign auto fails. Loading screen says “Click any button to continue” and before I get the chance to click anywhere, it automatically makes me fail the mission.