I think it really needs a rework, it does not look like Wc3 box art, his old model and his BFA model and hell not even looking like his Reforged concepts, his face is way too ‘princess’ than a prince, looks femine and his shoulder pads are way too big and also not looking like he’s shown in Warcraft Chronicles, I think our voice should be heared for this specific case cause he is kinda the face of Warcraft III.
I’m really glad we had a new thread made for this, thank you.
Finally i got some bigger picture about this issue.
Tnx man, i hope outsourcing studio will please our wishes
Exactly, they could go that armor on picture wheres Arthas with ghoul.
Even thou armor is huge on this concept art, but still if they went this design ppl would complain 50% less.
Still we need this armor design for Reforged !!!
To the ends of the earth !
tbh i don’t care about the rest, as long as he got this face i’ll be happy
I don’t know why you people complain so much about Arthas and the footmans, why they are not black(i saw half year ago some threats about skin color of footmans), why they have smaler soulderplates ect…
They said who bought spoils of war will get 4 hero skins which ones can be used in campaign heroes and custom game heroes, if they alrdeay announced there will be skins, that’s obvious there will be in time every herro skins, trops…i’m sure in one eyer we will get skins even for pions. (as they make countless skins in hots).
Question is how we will get them, ladder ranking, achivements,kind of in game valute, real money (for sure)