Anyone got 1.30.2 working on Linux (WinE)?

By the way you can change the runner to ge-protonified-4.9 in the settings after installing - it is working for me

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I had a black screen when launching Warcraft III.exe (patch 1.30+) with wine-staging

I was able to launch by specifying D3D9 (instead of the default D3D11)
wine64 '/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Warcraft III/x86_64/Warcraft III.exe' -graphicsapi Direct3D9

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So true m8.

I can play a War3 emulator on linux without wine. I just get the War3 assets, then do a “git clone” of the WarsmashModEngine repo which is a Java based emulator of War3. You can run “./gradlew runGame” in the repo to play from source, so as long as you edit “core/assets/warsmash.ini” to refer to the War3 data, it’ll play.

It probably doesn’t play on 1.30 unless if you change the CASC loading to the legacy casc format though. But it would work with 1.29 or 1.32 or many other versions. And you could modify the JCASC back to the old version to get it running on 1.30 probably.