Alright. I need Help Orc vs Human. This is impossible

So… Vs other races I can know what they are doing and respond accordingly. Vs human I can’t respond at all.

In every place that I search it says ‘‘Go BladeMaster first with SH second and harass wile you tech’’ ‘‘If you see Archmage, focus on him’’
If the human goes Mountain King, I’m dead. Harass… towers in base. Only can harass for so long before my mana is out and have to use the expensive Town Portal.
Orc doesn’t have any unit cheap enough to scout early, except if you want to sacrifice a peon.
I said… ‘‘Well, I’ll go Far seer and harass at the same time that I creep’’ Human goes mass rifleman with casters and there is NO RESPONSE. Grunts melt with focus fire, so you can’t focus on the hero. Want to focus in the rifleman. Casters and heroes kill everything you own.
What I’m suposse to do???
Blademaster doesn’t kill heroes, not before every rifle or unit focus on the BM and kills it. Casters makes things impossible for any army and the human only needs to sit confortly and focus fire and see my army melt.
What the hell? How can an Orc win against that?
And don’t tell me just ‘‘Need to scout’’ ‘‘Need to expand’’ ‘‘Need to take your BM and shove it’’. Please give me a strategy! Every expansion that I try to make is destroyed by an army that I cannot fight!

Orc is, by far, the easiest race to play. Human is the second hardest (because units are too squishy).
Unless you are playing an opponent that is much better than you, this should be your easiest match-up, as Orc. Human cannot stop Blademaster snipes (Windwalk + Critical strike).


If you are against mass casters from the human - you can go catapults to deal with them and head hunters.

If you are against mass rifles then you can go bloodlust with tauren or orcs/raiders/lust and use your BM to focus the rifles. This will force the human to micro his way to victory (which means your troops are getting free hits) or focus your BM (because if he’s ignored, all of the riflemen will be dead in a minute).

Not pro advice, but I recommend you looking at Armor/Damage type. I don’t remember which unit deals more damage to Riflemen and take less damage from them, but that’s usually how counter works.

Also, for your harass - sell Town Portal and buy a Circlet of Nobility. Harass as long as possible and right before you run out of mana - Wind Walk away. Make sure you have a Salve and Clarify potion so you can regen while your troops are creeping.

After the tower goes up - harass the human’s creep. Even if it’s just sniping the last hit and taking the item. The BM scales well with stats and items.

All of this harass should let you go T2 faster than the Human can; get SH and start creeping everything while your BM distracts. Then go for the kill.

A popular strategy for orc vs human in high level play atm is to go FS TC with a few grunts, kodos and shaman and an early expansion at around 40 food.

I can’t give you all the finer points of it as I’m bad but it’s been used quite a lot in tournament play recently, and Grubby is an advocate of it.

I think the rough idea is that shamen can deal with water elementals using purge, and lightning shield on grunts and the TC (and maybe the humans own units) can do heavy damage to rifleman and caster blobs. By expanding early you force the human to come to you, which makes it easy to eat with kodo’s as they are not kiting away like they might on defense, which is especially useful vs breakers. If the game goes T3 you can add head hunter berserkers and/or wyverns with blood lust. A mostly ranged army will be much harder for the human to kite. That’s if I’m understanding the strategy correctly, I can’t swear to that, but it is being used successfully at high level.

Have a look at some of Grubby’s recent ‘Super Saturday’ streams (last 2 weeks) and some of the WGL games. I can’t remember which matches have good examples I’m afraid but it shouldn’t be too hard to find some.

Ok… but what if Human goes Paladin first or MK? The only thing that it needs to do is focus fire with their rifles and heal with the paladin is I focus on them. Or the other way around, he kites with the paladin and the rifles melt the rest. After that, he reaches T2, sorceress and priest makes the human army invinceble. Slow destroys my army and priest just heals faster than any of my units could do damage. Its just 2 hotkeys that the human needs, not a lot of micro involved in that.
And let’s not even start on the Spellbraker. With them in the army, you can’t do any spells of your own and they are magic inmune. Kodos are just targeted. The only way to get away with them is to use Scroll of Speed. But all the micro that that implies just adds in for my army to just die.

Paladin is, by far, the worst first Hero Human can get.

Right… so? Stop making statements and do an answer.
‘‘Orc is the easiest’’ ‘‘Paladin is the worst’’. Explain your points instead of only saying them to the air.

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I’m not the best person to get into that much detail, as I’m bad at the game. Lyn managed to win WGL with Orc vs TH playing Human in the finals (and some other great human players on the way), so it can be done.

Have a look for some replays and see how he did it.

EDIT: My bad, final was Lyn VS Happy. Lyn did win it though, playing orc. His semi final game was vs Romantic who was playing human.

There is no complex answer for it. Just creep-jack him at all points in the game, and then just brute force him. That is how Orc Blademaster plays.

Here’s the Orc vs Human semi final games from WGL last week.

I typically start with Far Seer for creeping, shadow hunter second and Tauren Chieftain third. Generally, the best way to beat human is to rush and rush hard - until they hit tier three, they’re not going to have any of their good units and should melt pretty quickly under a maintained assault. I’d reccomend building a voodoo lounge so that you can stock both your heroes with health and mana potions before going in - since you don’t want to risk them getting to T3, I’d go in as soon as you get the SH and give him healing - with a few potions, that should also give you the endurance you need to melt down their footmen/riflemen with your FS casting wolves and lightning to fry their weaker units.

If this is AI, I feel your pain - humans cheat like crazy.

The post you replied to is 4 years old. I very much doubt that person is still playing. :stuck_out_tongue:

that being said: inf you play Insane AI, the computer cheats by having a massive resource advantage to make up for how easily manipulable the game’s AI is. You can probably win fights against them in the beginning but every time they’ll come back with more because they have way more cash than you do.