All Human Towers are the Same - Expert SECRET strategies

whilst you might be seeing different art for each tower they all in fcat do the same damage and same effect, save money and build the cheapest to win the games

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If i build 5 arcane towers, no hero will be able to harass the area, but taurens aboms even bears will wreck the arcane tower… arcanes will also do more damage to summons, so it can be effective to have just 1 or 2 arcanes to prevent being harassed by summons

If i build 5 arrow towers, they wont take mana away from enemy but they will actually hurt some units

Cannon towers are very powerful splash damage but with slower attack speed longer build time and higher gold cost, they are more effective against ranged units like casters or dryads but are rarely purchased because they take so much resources

Oh its Ababmer… why did I respond? lol

No this is a commeon missconsception

If you look in the game data arcane towers do not deal any additional damage to summons and cannon towers do not do splash it is simply a biproduct of the games tri-factal coding infrastructure

I will demonstrate the coding in equation form for you






all towers are the same in terms of damage to all units you are better off buying only cleapest


it’s not even maths tho

Just because the maths is complicated doesnt mean that it isnt maths Tuwnew just ask if you would like me to run you through why towers are all the same its quite complicated


It is not complicated. It’s just no maths.

Which part of the equation dont you understand Tuwnew


this conversation is become too intelegent, lets talk about mathematic of female paladin b00biz :wink:

Canon towers destroy easily bears and big units my tactic is just do towers, you can see my replays : httpx://

For example arrow towers will do nothing on tanks for example…

No you are incorrect all towers do the same damage to all armorr types i have proven this with maths, you are better off buying arrow tower because it is cheapest

Screw Reforged and the company.
Here to listen some good jokes from you Ababmer , gj on that

I thought you quit.

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