Hey there,
Blender is an open source modelling / animation suite (and much more) which has recently recently much attention by the 3D industry, e.g. Ubisoft decided to use it for its future productions and to support the Blender development fund.
(I guess the reason for this is mainly due the new live renderer EEVEE)
Many WC3 users developed custom models by using 3Ds max which has a plugin developed by Blizzard (afaik). Some also used Blender with user created addons.
However I noticed that these addons always have some flaws and lack of features because of missing information/data.
It would be really great if Blizzard could provide an official add-on (I would even pay for it if you don’t wanna do it for free) that supports the import and export of 3D models / blp textures / animations / particle emitters etc.
Or if you could provide an extensive API so me (or some smarter guys) would do the coding (Python) on my own.
It would give me back so much hope and enthusiam… I beg you 
No, they will use their own format just like they always have.
They did however talk about that they are gonna distribute the art tools in one of the panels to help the modding.
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Apparently Reforged World Editor will have a built in model editor…
Unless Blizzard tries reinventing the wheel, I would imagine that at its core would be Blender. Why spend millions trying to recreate a fully functional model editor when one can use an already existing open source one? One would just need to make sure it is decoupled enough that licencing is not an issue.
Well, it’s not like that I have much hope they will do it and you can already do a lot with the addons for Blender which the community provided.
For example here’s a video I made some months ago, using the 3d model of the abomination in Blender.
youtube com/watch?v=GxbbGmRyK9E
But unfortunately the workflow is a little buggy and cumbersome - not smooth.
I agree with DrSuperGood that it’s obviously easier to just create an add-on (or a builtin editor based on Blender) rather than to code a new model editor. I’d be happy if the new world editor will have such a feature.
Honestly I don’t know many people or places that still use Max, so I really hope they open up to different programs. All I want is Maya support, though Blender support would work for me too. Max is just too archaic.
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How is it currently done?
So, I have wondered, where did people get the news that the Reforged World Editor would include a model editor?
I created a fake video some time ago showing an integrated Model Editor + World Editor program, but the video was pointedly fake for anyone who sits and investigates, and was meant to showcase what I wish the World Editor could do.
But I have sometimes wondered if people took that video seriously.
Here, I found a link to the fake video in question (The Reforged logo when the World Editor launches is literally modded to say Retera instead of Reforged, 100% fake here):
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I don’t think we’re talking about a model editor?
We’re talking about the modding tools that they talked about in regards to custom models for Reforged, ideally an import/export script or the ‘WC3 Art Tools’ updated to support programs other than Max.
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this would be godly, i hope they do this
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I heard blizz saying we get tools the same they have
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I really don’t think they would update War3ArtTools at this point, since it only works on 3ds max 4 and 5 from 2002. Even if they only use 3ds max, they will make entirely new plugins. That’s my assumption.
From a technical standpoint, we know that Warcraft III: Reforged will have a different or updated model format, since the models shown at Blizzcon were announced as using Normal Map technology. This tells us that programs such as Magos War3 Model Editor will not be able to open most if not all Warcraft III: Reforged models. This is not really a question, it is an announced fact.
But obviously that would not be much of an issue if the tools are updated. However, a new set of plugins similar to War3ArtTools would still have a problem: the original 2002 plugins have no importer to 3ds Max. You cannot use them to edit existing Warcraft III models. This is, I believe, why we do not see War3ArtTools being used ubiquitously in the Warcraft 3 modeling community. New users start at learning Warcraft III models often by transferring animations or swapping textures. War3ArtTools cannot do this with existing binary models.
Blizzard has to use the same paradigm again for the new plugins even if they are blender plugins. They cannot make the program able to open their model format – only save it. Because otherwise it becomes too easy to port all of the new models to other formats and use them in other games.
Aww … I thought that 3ds max plugin would allow both, import and export (I never used it myself). In some other games the developers allow full access to at least some of their models, but that’s a matter of business …
What would wc3 be in Unreal Engine 4?
Blender support for Warcraft Reforged?
The game with lots of cute remastered waifus?
Reminds me of what SFM is used for lately.
Hmmm, boys…