Add a Reign of Chaos ladder back

it was a feature of the game for 17 years … come on bring it back, this is light work, just make it 2 “Versus” modes

it was a feature like less than 1% of the playerbase used since the day TFT came out. It’s not coming back.

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CaptainJack are you lurking on this forum 24/7/365?

no matter what time of the year and of the day someone mentions RoC, you’re here to immediately reply, holy sh… get a life

also where did you pull this figure out from? if you’re gonna make harassing people on blizz forums the purpose of your life at least don’t spread wrong information

My life is that boring yes

Also gotta keep posting to keep image/link posting rights :stuck_out_tongue:

Pro tip: don’t send friend requests to people to harass them in chat. It’s totally reportable, don’t think that because its a PM that Blizzard can’t see it lol

Also if you value your account, telling people to do certain bad things isn’t really a great idea either


You really need to calm down man it’s just words on a screen, relax and get over it

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huh, why pollute the thread with your nonsense?

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What’s nonsense is pleading for things that wouldn’t happen even if people actually wanted it, much less things few to no people even care about

Whoever’s working on it right now can’t even put out a simple balance update without breaking the game for some people. So what makes you think they’d be able to accomplish this without messing it up?

If you don’t like someone just put them on ignore, rather than harassing them in private messages and telling them to do unspeakable things.

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Imagine being this CaptainJack individual and not even realizing you’re making excuses for a company that has repeatedly taken diarrhetic dumps over one of its longest-standing communities.

Let people ask for features, move along.

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Have you even noticed Jack’s repeated mentions that Blizzard won’t do things because they don’t care for their product?

Anyway, the reason why it won’t happen is because Blizzard’s classic team itself said the ladder pool compared to TFT after release was like 11%.

That was not worth keeping servers up for. Less so now.

Me? Making excuses? Open your eyes and you’ll see ive made loads of critical posts. But i’m just not quite as angry as you are and can approach topics with logic and reason.

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@BrotherRoga, why trying to undermine people’s threads on a daily basis for absolutely no reason?

more importantly, how did you both achieve a winrate below 30% with tens of thousands of games … LOL wow … iq must be dangerously low … talk about logic and reason… everything makes more sense all of a sudden

So you attack people just because you don’t like their answers?

A RoC ladder is not coming back because first, the concurrency will be low, and second, it would split an already small playerbase. Not everyone wants to wait unnecessarily extended amounts of time to find a game. So you can stop spamming the same topic over and over.

Don’t post in pubilc forums if you want an echo chamber.

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I have no idea where you got this winrate thing from. It’s been ages since I played ladder. And I certainly have not played tens of thousands of games (Maybe customs but those don’t count).

And besides, undermining implies that I’m trying to sabotage things. I don’t. I bring up facts - whether that aids the thread’s goals is irrelevant to me. And if people start spreading lies I get peeved. If your thread’s goal can’t be achieved without being reasonable, polite and truthful, it’s a waste of everyone’s time.

So next time try dropping the insults.

Nobody’s undermining everything. People don’t agree on everything, it doesn’t mean their hearts desire is sabotaging you. They’re just giving their opinion, as am I, which is precisely what discussion forums are for.

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he is chatingbot program

Your post looks more like a bot post than anything I’ve ever wrote lol