Abusive Government is Not The Only

Hey guys, I was talking to people about government and I was being really pessimistic. And then I thought, partly why I am being pessimistic is that I see the world how I see Reforged. I generally believe that I (and several others) have enough technical know-how, and enough interest, that we could improve Warcraft III Reforged to make it into the product we all wanted.

We know how, and have enough motivation we would want to if it was legal. We would not do this as our job, because it is not profitable enough and we wouldn’t want to demand that much money from others. But if we could, we would do weekend/hobby volunteer work to improve upon Warcraft III: Reforged.

However, it has been true, and will remain true, that we have no legal means to obtain the source code access (and the legal rights) necessary in order to do these kinds of contributions. And I was thinking about this and how it puts me in a position of feeling like I live in a dictatorship and not a democracy, because I adamantly believe that human society and not technology puts me in a circumstance where I will not be able to choose to improve upon this game or this hobby in the manner that I wish was possible.

So I wanted to spread the word, and share the word, that this kind of “abuse government” sense of oppression we get from Reforged is not the only way that humans can form governments. I think this needs to be said. It’s simple, but that’s what I wanted to say today to you. Because even if we get some video game wrong, we shouldn’t then go on to get society wrong. And I felt like I was making that parallel in conversation with others – as though I were starting to believe there was no hope for society simply because there was no hope for the hobby that happened to interest me.

But there is hope for society. Please remember this, and cherish the power of free will! Thanks.


Sadly the state of your country (as many others) is not the result of dictatorship, but the one of uneducated democracy. Governments profit on stupid people, and stupid people turn against you as soon as you point out that there is a problem.

This forum is a perfect example^^

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But I am spreading education or an inspiration to go and get it, by spreading the good word in my post.

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Let’s see the answers :wink:

I don’t even consider the U.S.A a democracy these days.

A far more fitting term would be a plutocratic oligarchy - a bunch of old men with too much money pulling the strings from behind the scenes through corruption, bribery and lobbying.


It shouldn’t be either of those things, Roga. It SHOULD be a republic.

Sadly it doesn’t feel like one of those either; it honestly feels like we’re on the road to becoming the next China, and that’s not a good thing.