A Warcraft III Reforged Graphics Discussion

Yes,It is.Instead of a Feedback you’re giving hate,Instead of searching bugs you’re being toxic,instead of a constructive advices on how to make Game,not graphics,better,you’re talking about how bad the devs are,how bad the graphics and etc.You’re focused on the wrong things

Look around pal! People are opening and commenting about those things every day and how many replies did we get? A constructive feedback is being given but there is absolutely no answer from them! Yeeees, that is a constructive feedback…lets talk to the wall!!!

Graphics - Isn’t a constuctive feedback.It’s useless whining about how bad the game is. A bunch of idiots don’t want to imptove the game - they want to improve graphics

Pretender I’m going to make one last attempt to explain this to you, so you have no excuse to play dumb here.

The 2018 version of the game with RTX shadows, desaturated colors, and terrain with exaggerated textures, are NO LONGER IN THE GAME… You can log in right now and see that.

The reason these are no longer in the game, is because veteran players started complaining it was too distracting and made multiplayer impossible to play.

I’m going to repeat that for you… PRO PLAYERS, DO NOT LIKE those graphics.

I’ll say it a 3rd time. Veteran players of this game, do not like graphics, that distract and take away from the multiplayer experience.

Units become difficult to identify if colors are too washed out… Units become difficult to identify if there are shadows EVERYWHERE. Units become difficult to identify if terrain is too detailed…

^ This is a rational argument for why the 2018 version of the game will never come back.

I don’t expect you to talk about anything I just said however, because you’re a troll and you don’t have a rational argument. You’re here to repeat yourself and show us that you have nothing constructive to say.

Tell me I’m wrong.

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I am aware of that but there is a very simple answer to that! LOWER YOUR GRAPHICS PRO PLAYERS! Since I am watching pro players playing different games they simply put everything on low and that’s it! I mean really…

“Pro” players like Stevie Wonder. Lol

When people say we are satisfied with the Warcraft 3 and just make graphics better isn’t that case closed related to the gameplay and other things? But devs sometimes complicate to much and they are making things worse and worse…

As I have said in the other topic…I am always happy to make constructive feedbacks but when players are giving them and there is simply no ansswer at all how can that be a constructive feedback? You don’t even know if you are on a good way or not, if there is other solution to some things, etc. A constructive feedback will always be a good one when devs are involved (not in all topics because it is not possible) but give us at least hope that we are being listened to!

Like they did when they already listened to some of us many times

In some cases, yes. But every single game is a different case…

That’s not what they’re saying,they saying that the game is bad just because it’s not like 2018,not because of real game problems or bugs. They’re saying rude and rage post about devs and the game,they’re massively pefunding and hurting the budget instead of waiting

Well than let me be the first one! I am happy with the old WC3 how it plays but graphics could be better in a reforged :slight_smile:

They’ve changed the MK size because of gameplay reasons,they remove a huge part of cutscenes because not all fans loked them,they left some because there’s a people who loved them,they create new models for classic

Pretender… you’re being dishonest. I just made for you the case why these graphics are not in the game. Your response was “lol pro players can just turn graphics down”. No… they can’t. The game would look too different…

You don’t seem to understand how brand identity works. Blizzard doesn’t want 2 different looking versions of their game out in the public confusing people… They push harder than any company out there to make sure their games are instantly recognizable, and those “pretty graphics” TAKE AWAY from what everyone knows is “warcraft 3”.

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And the end the story will be the same. Some will like them, some won’t.

You didn’t read anything I just said did you?

I’ll say it again… Blizzard won’t release 2 different looking versions of their game. Period. How do I know this? Because I’ve been playing their other games for over a decade and that’s how their company operates.

Also… the multiplayer community, is the community who they listen to.

You, Pretender, a random nobody giving UNCONSTRUCTIVE feedback… is NOT who Blizzard listens to. That is the end of the story. Deal with it.

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I don’t care if they listen to me or not! But PRO players are not those who will give them so much money as the community will! COmmunity over the “pro” players always!


The pro players and multiplayer community are the ones who kept Warcraft 3 alive for the last 10 years. If it weren’t for them, there would be no Reforged… This game would be dead, forgotten, and you wouldn’t be here.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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If there is no community, there is no game at all!

Well,most of the Community are playing competitive games and maps and for them how the game looks is as much important as pro players,they just don’t realize it yet

Pretender… the competitive community IS THE COMMUNITY.

I’m going to keep saying this until people like you understand this. They listen to them over everyone else, because that is the community…