A moment of silence for the devs who have to weather the storm

i mean people are going to play blizz, not the team it was outsourced to. i don’t think the dev team has anything to worry about.

Ohh I absolutely agree that many Activision Blizzard employees are to blame. Just not at the developer part. This post was meant to countearact all the “F U DEVS” kind of content. Blizzard devs, or Malaysian Lemon Sky devs, those guys probably did the best they could.
Blame the executives. The producers. The people behind the scheduling and asset managing and quality control (not QA, oftentimes QA does everything right but executives simply say “we don’t have resources to fix that”. )

That’s all that I’m saying.

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Bait and switch, sham of a product.

I hope Blizcon 2020 has a massive protest in honor of WC3 to send a message down the throat of the executives.

I do think it has something to do with the price of freedom in China, though. People there are way more obedient and would rarely criticize any product. But they are also less patient and their government is easily offended so game companies rush out poor products and self-censor to make quick bucks from a population of consumers that behaves in such a way exactly because they have no idea what freedom is. A population of consumers who just eat whatever they’re fed and don’t know they deserve better. The majority of them just want stuffs and don’t even mind if said stuffs are bad. They just want for wanting because they have little else. That’s why people jokingly call them drones.

The nasty bit is that the rest of the world is paying the price. Because China simply has more population than many other nations combined. It feels wrong that we are supposed to just live the cheap and complacent drone lives like commies do because there’s more of them. Why can’t the world just be free from China’s communist influence for a moment? It’s sickening.

Before anyone thinks I’m fascist and accuses me of racism: I’m Asian. Born and raised in Taiwan :taiwan:

I will end this post by saying that I agree with OP. The developers are the last people we should blame. It’s Activision and their greedy managers who supported rushing products and cutting costs that are the enemies.

They had about a year to tell us something like this instead they said “HOWDY GUYS”

That’s the entire metaphor behind that line, the price of freedom in China.

Blizzard Vs. Hong Kong… The Blitzchung Incident…

I was referencing that in retrospect of the “Grey Knights” that make up reasons to defend Blizzard, none of which really make sense or further the case against Blizzard by the obvious majority.

If the majority was instead the Pro-Blizzard Grey Knight, possible “bot” or “paid reviewers”, the Metacritic Scores would be over the number 5 and 5 if equal. But it’s almost below 1. That’s an overwhelming majority of people who voted 0 and a very small that voted any number higher, according to the law of averages.


I agree, though you gotta understand that these developers do not have the time to show their face to fans, they are too busy working.

Brands mean nothing.

I wouldn’t look that much into it. At least we know for sure they can play Hero Line Wars and Winter Maul Wars.

Yes. Please fix this game, I too, grew up loving and playing.
This 2020 version of War3 makes me so frustrated.

It took me only a few sentences to realize you had to be a developer writing this, to know those particular experiences.

Both to you, and to the developers at Blizzard, as a corporate dev myself - Kudos.

I’ve played your games for years Blizzard. And the more I develop, the more respect I have for the pace at which your development teams put out content - That’s not easy for anyone, and I know the time and effort put in must be intense.

OP - Thanks for this post.


Lol, so these guys hated their jobs enough to not quit or protest and ended up pissing off who knows how many people, but they’re not to blame even a little? If I was capable of making gold and I had the talent that these guys supposedly have, I think I would take my talent elsewhere if these are the working conditions I’d be exposed to.

I’ll continue to blame both, because the devs should have taken a stand when enough was enough. I’m not sure at what point you can’t see that your painting is turning out to be pure garbage and nothing like Bob Ross’ painting. Probably not the best analogy, but whatever.

This was outsourced. I’d be surprised if there was a single dev on it.

Most people aren’t yelling specifically at developers. They are yelling at the company as a whole. Which in reality generally means they are pissed at the people in charge.

plot twist there is no dev team… even the models are 3d party

Serious question: What did the developers actually do? We know that the models, animations and assets were outsourced to Lemon Sky and the developers took almost two years to give us a version of WC3 with poor performance and without ladder, profiles etc. and even the classic WC3 is broke now (no shadows etc). They added nothing new to the game except for the new Life Bars, Numbers for Cooldowns and that you can choose to use Grid Hotkeys (wow…)

How not to also blame the developers for this work? They did nothing except porting this game to Battle net 2.0 but couldn’t without breaking the game that was fine as it is. Back2Warcraft tried to host a tournament but in the game Cash vs. Terror everyone got a Desync error after 8 minutes so they had to restart the game, which never happened to them in almost 20 years of WC3 classic.

This work is beyond terrible from all participants, including the devs. I don’t hate them for this, they don’t have to feel bad because of all the hate as long as they still try to fix what they broke, but they are responsible for this as much as their bosses.

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As far as I’ve heard, much of the senior staff at Blizzard has already left.
ave you ever tried developing in a legacy engine, with outdated tools merging a 20 years old codebase to a new one? Especially since they are manned mostly by newer people who were never near Blizzard when the orginal was published.

It must be a nightmare, and without anyone who was there 18 years ago it is nigh impossible. Try merging original Shakespearean language with modern English, while trying to maintain both in the form they exist.
If I were to guess much of the old codebase is so deprecated that modern coder, whoever finished university in the last few years would have trouble even understanding. Do you know how much programming languages change over 18 years? Just an example: when Warcraft 3 came out, Flash (Action script) didn’t really exist, now in 2020 it is no longer used for anything. That’s literally a generation worth of difference.
And tough C++ exsited back then, and exists now, it doesn’t mean that it didn’t change drastically.

Game out sourced I think thoses 5 poor guys we saw in the panel 19 are only the legit devs from blizzard US, they were only here to control and communicate, from the third party asian devs.

The only culprit to blame is Activision and it take control over Blizzard in stockholder, the good old Blizzard is gone now til 2010.

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I would more than ok if they annouced a delay for 1 more year, i bought this game at pre sale and needed to wait more than 1 year just for this, i m not mad, i’m just disapointed that where i live this costs alot and i thought it was going to be a really good game and at end just looks like a mess.

Ofc. When we say devs I guess we want to say top management who is responsible for the decisions they make

No, I don’t accept the “I was only following orders” crap. They’re just working to get a paycheck at this point and they lack any passion same as their bosses. If they had any passion for making something great then they wouldn’t be working for blizzard.