80% leaver in 4v4 games

As the in the Title i have no idea whats wrong with 4v4 but half the games have a instant leaver and the other 30% are people who make 1-2 misstakes and leave…
I loved 4v4 back in wc3 classic but what happened?
Especially new player like 4v4 and this is their first impression of the game i love for over a decade…
Are the new player bring this toxic behaviour?
did the old player changed?


Blizzard should apply a leaver ban system e.g. like in League of Legends…but i fear Blizzard is not interested to any further updates at all.

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ask blz to add reconnect system, I dced each 30 games once

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It’s not that simple, people leave because hacking is rampant. Auto detect enabled, and in almost every high game there is at least 1 if not 2 hackers. Why would you stay and play against someone that has a massive advantage unless you are a god mode player like grubby which 99% of us aren’t?

This is so annoying and sometimes it happens even before normal creeping starts. Today a hero died and the other teammate mocket the player. Then the mocked player left and then soon everyone. 1v4 is not good.

There should really be a 5-10 minutes period when one cannot exit the game.

@blizzard do you even read this ? I’m so f***** annoyed that there’s no penalty for leavers. Game is unplayable. fix your f****** game I paid for…

It is so sad and last time someone left from my team. Then from the opponent and then everyone except me and another opponent. Then he left, too.

Lol? People leave because of skill gap, at v rt, mass amount of griefers (bots, or simply asshats) in game that will do it for literal hours straight, or DC’s. This “hacking is rampant” is a load of crap; it’s a 20 year old game, people are tuned into all the creep routes.

First and most anoying is poundcake, he leaves every game in 4v4!

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Leavers are one point, the other bigger issues are those 45% winrate players who blame other players. Even I got blamed several times after a game and i am a veteran sitting at 78% winrate at 1x1