3 Years Celebration

Still no correct working profiles and ladder. And with Patch 1.35.0 we finaly got the balance patch that nobody asked for. Good job developer Team, you are doing great.

What do you celebrate after 3 years?

Well, the game was unbalanced. Costume campaigns are back and clans were added in 1.34. I do get it that you are frustrated by the game as it came out (as I am too) yet the new team is trying to fix it.

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We celebrate 3 years of success:

Abysmal quality kept intact and people still believing that the magical newest team is fixing all the buggy bugs for them because they said so.

If this is not the greatest success ever, what is it?

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Last year they didn’t even refer to the game and there are many issues to be fixed yet, I just pointed about things that indeed were repaired. The warcraft 3 reforged infimy is still there, but if by a 1.40 patch the game is in a better place then that will be good.

plenty of people were asking for a balance patch though? :thinking:

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They were asking for costume campaigns clans and so on, and it’s good that those things are returning.

The new team revert the game to a better state.

If you reward bad behavior, then the people that are responsible with this bad behavior will become worse.
But if you don’t give credit where credits are due then why should a common worker still work on something that gives them only pain and a bad resume?

Imagine shutting at a technical support employee in a company for a defect product that he is trying to repair when the product is wide known that came out in this state because of the company’s shareholders push and bad policies.

Just a citation…

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

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Hmm, so if you need to build a brick wall you are not repeating the same thing, brick by brick in order to build your wall? Not that your citation has anything to do with people like me that when they see a positive change the just acknowledge that, nothing more or less.

:face_with_monocle: flawless!

don’t worry, for each patch we have this bunch of people with 3 posts jumping in and praising Blizzard for the new footprints that will surely improve the status of the game. It also happens in many other games…

See you at the next footprint patch!
We’ll probably have a new random balance, a different button for clans and finally goblin zeppelins will have their footprints too. Ladder will still be broken and there will still be lags and disconnections, but who cares…

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Where did i praise Blizzard exactly?