I remember buying this game on a couple of CDs, and I never purchased reforged. How is this taking up 26gigs on my HD?
Because it forces the caching of all the Reforged graphic assets, which are 90% of that size. The actual classic part is only slightly bigger (2-3GB odd), due to the move to DDS textures which compress worse but work better when loaded by the GPU.
You can access all the reforged assets in World Editor, only using them in Warcraft III is locked behind owning Reforged.
I do agree that for classic only players there should be an option to just install the classic asset set. Not everyone has 26 GB free who plays Warcraft III.
i went thru and found my old installation, from before wc3 was integrated into the bnet launcher. Do you know why they push this sort of integration? I know i see a lot of people complaining or disliking it, but i don’t read interviews and stuff generally with execs and devs. The only reason it bothers me, the 26 gigs, is that i installed it to my startup SSD, which is a lot smaller than my general HD, and 26g is a bit of space for assets I don’t use or want.
They wanted to provide a more modern platform for Warcraft 3 so they practically merged classic Warcraft 3 to Reforged also to enable Classic and Reforged players to play together and against each other.
Yet, I don’t know why it’s not possible to not install the new graphics if you didn’t purchase the game. It’s possible for Call of Duty though. So why didn’t they “learn” from it?
That is something Bliz is starting to implement, however, the way the announcement was worded suggests that it will be a part of future games.
If referring to the the BattleNet app then it is largely beneficial as it moves everything to the same platform as their other games. It is now possible for people in Warcraft III to communicate with people playing StarCraft II or Diablo III without having to do so in another window or a background process.
If you are referring to the forced download of Reforged assets then it is likely due to there being a lack of a system to handle multiple different distributions. No other Blizzard game has such a requirement.
How do you communicate to people on SC2 from WC3? oO
by the way, before reforged you could easily communicate to people on SC and D2 directly from WC3 game chat
i remember d2 chat where people had different avatars to show what game they were playing, plus classes and titles.
D2 SC and WC3 could all join any channel on the same zone server.
It was working flawlessly…
Yes however StarCraft II, Diablo III, World of Warcraft and Overwatch players could not communicate with people playing Warcraft III before as those ran on BattleNet 2.0.
That’s true in one point: your friendlist. You can talk to everyone on your friendlist, no matter what game they are playing on Battle.net.
SC1, D2, and WC3 used to share the same platform so you could even join chats from your Warcraft 3 clan while you were playing Diablo or Starcraft. This is not possible anymore. Every game has its own channels.
If you are in Reforged now, where do you see the chat of a SC2 channel for example? (There is people that are still discovering the chats…)
OR how do you whisper to someone in D3?
higher res textures and assets take up exponentially more space.
Should be the same way someone whispers you in those games who is not playing. The messages would appear as generic whispers similar to those you can send from the BattleNet application. It is region limited to some extent, so US people might not be able to whisper EU players e.t.c.
If this functionality actually works is another question. I think I recall it working, but I do not use it a lot.
…there was already a way do this in battle.net? You could always communicate in old batte net chat channels with players in other games. They also removed all chat channel functionality including / commands.
Yes BattleNet 1.0 supported this, which is why BattleNet 2.0 also supports this. They just moved Warcraft III to BattleNet 2.0 so now all other BattleNet 2.0 games (which is most of them) can communicate together. Now you should be able to receive whispers from someone using the BattleNet application while playing Warcraft III, where as before the Reforged update this was not possible (the message could only go to and be logged in your BattleNet application, if you ran it in the background).
Isn’t it possible to replace Reforged graphics assets with (fake) empty ones? e.g. replacing abc.xyz that’s 2GB big with abc.xyz that’s 0GB. The new file would pretend then to be the original one.
Depends on if the CASC local storage gets verified. When it is verified it will detect these corrupt or missing files and re-download them.
The battlenet app works like this but I’m not sure if I can see the same messages while being in game. I guess it doesn’t…
Last time I have tried it got verified, but it was very long ago… maybe try again…
It really depends on how the integrity check is done and what it does compare to.