19089 Patch notes

I did in fact check it out after the previous comments. It’s just weird that they left it half-accessible in this way and pushed the updates out to clients.

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Caution is good, no non-Blizzard user of the forums has much in the way of verification to being a trustable source of any data. It’s better to take in everything with a bit of doubt than to trust everything without filter, so I am glad you had your concerns at first, not having had contact with me much before.
I am by no means a forums regular, but if you join some of the War3 Discord communities you might see me around, doing weird things and documenting all these patch changes whenever they happen. As a small plug, just so I’m not too serious, everyone join the Hive Workshop Discord :stuck_out_tongue:

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Issue with save still exist: can’t reload saved game from Reforged menu.

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Nice icons :slight_smile:

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