144 Hz and 30 FPS animations... WHY?

Actually, it kinda does, because War3 is one of those old games that calculate game logic based on framerate. Meaning all the timings would be off if the game ran at a higher framerate. In fact, correct me if I’m wrong, but warcraft 3 actually renders everything at less than 30FPS. Or was it Starcraft that did that?

No, it’s not just a VR thing. Many people have severe motion sickness from videogames in general. I don’t experience it from something like warcraft, but most first person shooters and other first person camera games make me absolutely sick in less than 20 minutes of gameplay.

The problem here is that you do not understand, let me explain as quick as possible.
I been playing warcraft 3 since release date WAY back, modded the game and created starcraft 2 with Dark Protoss Race, 3d Warcraft 2, and sooooo much more you have no idea and in Warcraft 3, I kept my works private but was apart of communities such as Hive, WC3C (Which is now closed down) and XGM forums (A Russian Warcraft 3 modding community) goblin academy (Chinese modding community) plus many more.

So now that you understand my history here you can believe me easier here when I tell you what happened to this game.

1.27b - Warcraft 3 had 4 .mpq files which holds all data for the game (War3.mpq etc)

After the patch 1.28b the amount of MPQ files increased it has been 4 for YEARS and I seen a change in the game, at one point there was about 8 of them (I said for what, now knowing reforged, i never cared to look into them i still play at 1.27b)

The change was the creation of this garbage call reforged. In world edit if you place certain units they wont stand there anymore they will glitch into another animation. This is because the system was not design to implement “New animations” into the units unless you did it from the core, which I’m certain they didn’t cause the unit would not glitch… I know this because when I modded, it HAD to be correctly spelled out

Stand - 1
Stand - 2
Stand - 3
Stand Ready
Stand Victory
Walk Fast
Attack - 1
Attack - 2
Spell 1
Spell 2
Spell Channel
Spell Throw
Etc Etc Etc (There are more like alternate animations, but you get the point)

So based on what I just told you i am 100% certain without a doubt in my mind that ALL Warcraft 3 reforged is the SAME exact everything from 20 years ago with a new price sticker, all blizzard did was add new models, something I and many others been doing decades. I am sure that the reason why the units glitch is the new employees of Blizzard did not work on War3 as much as I did or the ones who created it so they truly do not understand it, obviously from reviews, this statement is a fact…

I will end this with a trick, there is a way to get the 4 “new units hero” skins that blizzard is charging us for in World editor by setting the correct path. I did it first try, i do not want to write them down here because I do not want to exploit the game or cheat there sales but I promise you they are there…

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This… is patently false. From your world view the sentiment expressed here may be basically true (because you don’t care about the technology difference), but you cannot deny that blizzard paid some engineer to make Reforged use PBR shader rendering.

That’s why nobody ever created a download of Patch 1.27 with the Reforged models in it, which would have been possible if Reforged was “the SAME exact everything.”
It is more true to say that it is “mostly the same”.


This is really technologically uninformed. There are a lot of things wrong with Reforged, but this is not one of them. Reforged using “Stand 1” instead of “Stand - 1” is not an issue.
Go on your 1.27b installation that you supposedly have and open the Blue Dragonspawn creeps. They have WoW animation names like “Stand - Var1” and yet they are still fine both in the editor and in the game.

Take it from me, here is a list of things with Reforged assets that are ACTUALLY stupid:

  • Use of “Bone_Turret” in models that should not have this bone name
  • Fixed rate keyframe export from Maya, creating a ton of extra Linear keyframes in every animation instead of leveraging Warcraft III’s interpolation system (Hermite/Bezier)
  • Idiotic/lazy inclusion of 3 extra copies of every model file inside itself, which costs load time (and file size). I am referring of course to how each Reforged model loads the 4 “levels of detail” of itself, then discards 3 of them, because Reforged engine was made in a hurry. If the lower LOD models were separate files like on the 2002 game, then it would not be a performance cost for them to exist since we could optionally avoid loading them entirely instead of having to spend processor time loading them and then skipping them.
  • Whatever the frick is going on with Reforged animated CollisionShape nodes ('CLID'), which almost assuredly should be simple rectangles like on the original game (for performance). (Contrary to their name, these are used for ray picking and not for the game unit collision pathing system)
  • Inclusion of “Bind Pose” ('BPOS') block which generally is just duplicating information that already has to be computed at runtime per node (basically a duplicate of 'PIVT' chunk data or an extrapolation from it in most cases), presumably again because it was faster to hack this into the MDLX format to cache information already in their Maya files at export time than to upgrade the game to generate this at runtime (to be honest I haven’t spent a lot of time with this, maybe there’s a dumb reason that they can’t extrapolate it from 'PIVT' data but I still think that’s dumb to have both)
  • Probably more than this, this list was just off the top of my head

Yeah the lightning engine for Wc3 was rewritten brand new for 1.32 but the rest of the core underline game is still the same even though set core game was "up"dated. this was done intentionally and it was right to do so as rewriting the engine or using something else would mean the existing community be instantly destroyed. plus there is nothing wrong with updating wc3 as it was to modern standards it was a perfectly achievable task and the roots remained the same to maintain project compatibility.

(inb4 someone talks about warsmash regarding achievable rewrites)

yeah but then they had to troll the universe by making 1.31 first before 1.32, so that everyone who got 1.32 would wish they had 1.31 instead

Its true honestly, updating the classic game just showed at the very least to me just how awesome everything is, even though we had our cursed Base patch launches the road from 1.27 to 1.31.1 was magical. i almost had an ambient dread music playing in my head the month or 2 prior and post 1.32’s launch :cry:

To me it just seems like the people who say “we should’ve just launched 1.32 instantly after 1.27” just want to ducktape the roots of other poor executions or bad decisions and avoid complaints or change the narrative with a weird makeshift “solution” like Youtube that you keep warning everyone about :sweat_smile:

In that world no one would complain because they didn’t have the chance to experience something so cool. a Warcraft III if Blizzard actually cared. before they stopped.

You don’t have to believe me, i dont care. I’m stating facts take them as you wish

The original Gul’dan model had the wounded stand which was made for the cinematic as a normal stand instead of cinematic.
Because of that the model would click from normal stand to wounded.


  • renamed stand wounded to cinematic stand wounded
  • renamed walk wounded to cinematic walk wounded
  • clean the model of the additional geosets for model and portrait

Hope you enjoy!
All feedback is welcomed.


Add the original Gul’dan to your map and watch him glitch around. Trust me when i tell you i know what they did to this game and what they didn’t you are right they added light effects to the game which is the reason the colors don’t POP anymore like they did in the original. Until you been playing or modding this game for 20+ years, there is not much you can tell me. The 0.6 score on Metacritic speaks for itself, The original was better in every way they should of never touched this game and went on to make WC4 instead…

Remember something
Blizzard Devs years ago played their own game
New Blizzards Dev DON’T
If they did they would notice the main menu FPS gets tanked the moment you hit play. Noone checked?? LOL Blizzard today is a joke, Blizzard 20 years ago was King of gaming.