PTR 3 Patch Notes

If you move Tauren of Orc to Tier 2, then you should move windrider of Orc to Tier 3. Currently, for UD vs Orc, UD is already super weak at Tier 2, often struggling with windriders by gouls. Now Tauren joins a nightmare.

Can you watch eer0 vs Happy that is happening now? Ud mirror is so boring after you make BANSHEE’s AMS dispellable. Please revert this change.

The Elf heroes, few units and buildings need buff and rework.
  1. Demon Hunter: return +1 agility. Metamorphosis cooldown reduce from 180 to 120.
  2. Keeper of the Grove: Keeper of the Grove base Intelligence from 18 to 19 and Entangling Roots cast range on 700 with lvl 2. Increased treants damage base from 14 to 16.
  3. Potm: Owls Scouts buff like more duration and base attack cooldown reduced from 2.33 to 2.00.
  4. Warden: Fan of knifes damage per target from 75/125/190 to 85/135/200. Shadow strike mana cost reduce from 75 to 65.

Wisps: mana drained after Detonate increase from 40 to 45 and hp buff from 120 to 130.

                             So now about units.

Dryads: Return Abolish Magic damage against summoned units 300. Reduce the experience gain Dryads from Level 3 (60xp) to Level 2 (40 xp). Buff mana regen.

Druid of the Claw(Bear form): Buff Druid of the Claw (Bear Form) base damage increase from 25 to 26.

Mountain Giant: produce MG’s without shop. Hardened Skin upgrade costs reduce from 100 gold 175 wood to 50 gold and 100 wood . Supply reduced from 7 back to 6.

Chimaera: movement speed return from 250 to 270.

                             Now about the buildings

Ancient of War: Aow base attack damage return to 44 from 36. Aow hp return from 900 to 1000.
Tree of lifes buff Nature’s Blessing Armor Bonus on +2.
Nature blessing upgrade cost reduce from 150 gold 200 wood to 100 gold and 150 wood.

how many times are you going to post this same gibberish before realizing it’s not going to help whatever problem it is you’re having

Give Slippers of Agility +1 agi

This would help elf in their matchup vs undead and human where they are struggeling with the demon hunter

It would also help orc in the matchup vs undead where they are struggeling on pro level with the blademaster. in orc vs human far seer is played.

It also make it more fair because usually agility is the worst item you can find on many heroes, this way it will atleast give you a bit more armor and attack speed and you might keep it for an agility hero that you get along the way

Add some new items to the lvl 2 drop table like “Ring of Resistance” you can take that purple ring icon from dota one and take the affect from Runed Bracers but less so - Reduces Magic damage dealt to the hero by 10%.

or Ring of lesser Regeneration " Increases the Hero’s regeneration by 1 hit points per second.

this might result in some nice regen worth keeping when you find both rings

as of now lvl 2 dorp table is too small with just 3 items

Updated May 17, 2024

We’ve deployed our final iteration of the 1.36.2 PTR. We’re aiming for early June as our target date for this patch to go live. At this time, we are limiting further changes to only number value changes or full reverts (if necessary).

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback from around the world!

Added / Modified Changes

  • Searing Arrows mana cost change reverted (5 back to 8)
  • Force of nature mana cost increased from 85 to 95
  • Tranquility cooldown reduced from 120 seconds to 100 seconds
  • Fan of Knives Target changed from 5/6/7 to 6/6/6 (max damage 375/750/1330 to 420/780/1200)
  • Fan of Knives damage changed from 75/125/190 to 70/130/200
  • Wisp HP increased from 120 to 130
  • Nature’s Blessing lumber cost reduced from 200 to 150
  • Haunted Goldmine build time reduced from 110 to 105
  • Curse can no longer target mechanical units again (reverted)
  • Wand of Negation now has a 5-second cooldown
  • Wand of Negation now requires Temple of the Damned
  • Ghoul Frenzy Damage reduction reverted back to 35%
  • Ghoul Frenzy movement speed bonus reduced from 80 to 50
  • Ghoul Frenzy research time reduced from 60 to 50 seconds
  • Frost Attack duration on Heroes increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Abomination base damage increased from 32 to 34
  • Tauren changes reverted (back to tier 3 and have reduced build time)
  • Tauren move speed increased from 270 to 290
  • Serpent Ward Base Damage reduced from 47 to 45
  • Wind Rider (Wyverns) XP level reduced from 4 to 3
  • Goblin Zeppelin food cost increased from 0 to 1
  • Sundering Blades lumber cost reduced from 175 to 150
  • Rifleman HP increased from 535 to 545
  • Dragonhawk Rider base damage increased from 17 to 19
  • Flame Strike channel time reduced from 0.9 to 0.8 seconds
  • Control Magic mana per Summoned Hitpoint reduced from 45 to 35
  • Demolsher movement speed increased from 220 to 240
  • Glaive Thrower movement speed increased from 220 to 240


  • Circlet of Nobility cost increased from 175 to 250
  • Glove of Haste attack speed reduced from 20% to 17.5% (15%)


  • Mana Burn value reduced from 100 to 50
  • Force of Nature summons reduced from 3 to 2
  • Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 175 to 100
  • Pulverized (Sea Giant) reduced from 40/20 to 30/15
  • Cripple reduced from 60/10 to 20/10
  • Cripple cost reduced from 175 to 125 mana
  • Centaur Archer armor type changed from heavy to medium
  • Centaur Impaler armor type changed from heavy to medium (HP increased from 350 to 400)
  • Centaur Sorcerer armor type changed from heavy to medium

Master Changelog


  • Polymorph can now target Heroes (1.5 second duration)
  • Arcane Tower hero feedback reduced from 16 to 14
  • Knights and Sundering Blades no longer require Lumber Mill to build
  • Sundering Blades now requires an upgrade again
  • Sundering Blades upgrade cost increased from 100/100 to 100/150
  • Flame Strike channel time reduced from 0.9 to 0.8 seconds
  • Control Magic mana per Summoned Hitpoint reduced from 45 to 35
  • Rifleman HP increased from 535 to 545
  • Dragonhawk Rider base damage increased from 17 to 19


  • Troll Headhunter base damage reduced from 22 to 21 (Berserkers base damage remains 22)
  • Healing Wards mana cost reduced from 200 to 150
  • Tauren move speed increased from 270 to 290
  • Seperent Ward Base Damage reduced from 47 to 45
  • Wind Rider (Wyverns) XP level reduced from 4 to 3
  • Demolsher movement speed increased from 220 to 240

Night Elf

  • Searing Arrow damaged changed to 10/24/40 to 12/24/48 (10/20/30)
  • Starfall duration duration reduced from 45 to 30
  • Starfall damage increased from 50 to 60 per wave
  • Tranquility cooldown reduced from 120 seconds to 100 seconds
  • Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 100 to 95
  • Vorpal Blades research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
  • Moon Well Regeneration increased from 1.35 to 1.45
  • Well Spring regeneration mana bonus reduced from 125 to 100
  • Fan of Knives Target changed from 5/6/7 to 6/6/6 (max damage 375/750/1330 to 420/780/1200)
  • Fan of Knives damage changed from 75/125/190 to 70/130/200
  • Wisp HP increased from 120 to 130
  • Nature Blessing lumber cost reduced from 200 to 150
  • Glavie thrower movement speed increased from 220 to 240


  • Haunted Goldmine build time reduced from 110 to 105
  • Nerubian Tower Damage type changed from Normal to Piercing
  • Ghoul Frenzy research time increased from 45 to 50 seconds
  • Ghoul Frenzy movement speed bonus reduced from 80 to 50
  • Curse Duration reduced from 120/60 to 60/30
  • Cripple can now target mechanical units
  • Scroll of Healing removed from the Tomb of Relics
  • Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (2 Charges, 150 Gold, 5 second cooldown - Available at tier 2 - Requires Temple of the Damned)
  • Meat Wagon speed increased from 220 to 240
  • Frost Nova slow duration reduced from 4/6/8 to 4/5/6 (units only - heroes remain unchanged)
  • Cryptlord Impale mana cost reduced from 100 to 90
  • Death and Decay mana cost reduced from 250 to 200
  • Web upgrade cost reduced from 150/150 to 100/100
  • Boneyard cost reduced from 175/200 to 150/200
  • Frost Wyrm Freezing Breath lumber cost reduced from 275 to 225
  • Frost Breath duration on Heroes increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Abomination base damage increased from 32 to 34


  • Firelord Volcano building damage factor reduced from 3 to 2
  • Firelord Soulburn damage reduction increased from -50% to -75%
  • Firelord Soulburn hero duration increased from 7/8/9 to 8/9/10
  • Naga Sea Witch Tornado speed base and Min Speed increase from 75 to 150
  • Naga Mana Shield activation cost reduced from 25 to 10
  • Goblin Zeppelin food cost increased from 0 to 1


  • Ankh of Reincarnation delay reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
  • Glove of Haste attack speed increased from 15% to 20%
  • Circlet of Nobility cost increased from 175 to 250


  • Sleep no longer targets heroes
  • Sleep duration reduced from 10 to 8
  • Sleep cooldown increased from 6 to 10 seconds
  • Sleep cost reduced from 125 to 100
  • Dark Troll High Priest now has Abolish Magic
  • Enforcer and Bandit Lord no longer have Shadow Meld and will sleep at night
  • Rogue Wizard can now sleep
  • Enforcer HP increased from 500 to 600
  • Rune of Speed duration reduced from 60 to 20 seconds
  • Infernal Contraption move speed increased from 180 to 200
  • Infernal Juggernaut move speed increased from 180 to 200
  • Infernal Machine move speed increased from 180 to 200
  • Mana Burn value reduced from 100 to 50
  • Force of Nature summons reduced from 3 to 2
  • Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 175 to 100
  • Pulverized (Sea Giant) reduced from 40/20 to 30/15
  • Cripple reduced from 60/10 to 20/10
  • Cripple cost reduced from 175 to 125 mana
  • Centaur Archer armor type changed from heavy to medium
  • Centaur Impaler armor type changed from heavy to medium (HP increased from 350 to 400)
  • Centaur Sorcerer armor type changed from heavy to medium


  • Fixed an issue where ping was displaying incorrectly in the custom game list
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Once again a lot of cool changes.

Increasing Wisp HP seems to come out of the blue since they are already one of the best units in the game for their cost/utility.

Increasing Circlet of Nobility cost is a step in the wrong direction I think. Other items should become cheaper instead of circlet becoming more expensive.


I think many changes are not ex ante bad, but equally not needed. Warden and wisps are fine the way they are. Elf doesn’t need much support, they are already one of the most quality of life enjoyers in the game.

I guess the idea on frenzy, but I’d refrain from reducing the build time. 10 seconds is a lot and it will not be offset by the slower movement speed at the current time of the death push.

Unsure about wyvern change, the whole D-tier turned into a meme pretty quick. Wyvern are a bane to play, and to play against. It fully relies on hero levels. Their weakness is their death and the XP they provide.

As mentioned, many changes feel pretty “so-so” to me. As in they may be good, may be bad, but I don’t see any issue being addressed here. So why take the risk. With exception of changes to creeps, those look nice : ) Circlet… dubious though.

I’d still urge you to consider the power of bloodlust and pala rifle. Although at pro level this may not be much of an issue, and I know you need to balance at that level, for the majority of the player base this is just straight up obnoxious. Especially pala rifle is just to dumb for words as it can be played in all non mirror matches on every map with very great efficacy, essentially boosting ELO with 15- to 20%. Truly insanely skewed in how easy it is to do, versus what is needed to counteract it.

Again, I re-iterate, please proof read your posts. I mean, the typo’s should even get underlined in read before you hit post. This makes it seem you are threating this game very loosely as a Friday afternoon activity. Serepent Ward = Serpent Ward. Demolsher = Demolisher. Glavie thrower = Glaive Thrower. Various capitalizations errors.


Go tier 4. =)

I’m not sure about that change, like that changes almost nothing, except NE mirrors, but ok let’s put it that way.

Needs to test that, but I think this is a right way.

So you guys think, Warden gaming is how you see NEs now? Well, we’ll see.

This is big buff, thanks so much!

This is now more balanced, but I’m still not sure about that legacy item from RoC. Is he even needed again in a game? And is it worth, instead of addition scroll of healing, which is not often buys from UD shop, more likely from neutral ones to have advantage against opponent?

That’s how it should be a long time ago. It’s not ok if you can just spam ghouls from start to finish and t1 unit becomes killing machine imo

That’s a relief! Tauren should be on t3, but probably needs a bit more buffs to unit stats directly.

Srsly? All these years, Zeppelin was 0 food, now it’s needed food? Ooookay, but I think that’s unnecessary.

In general, I’m ok with these changes, feels like more balanced for NE matchups now. Feels a bit more comfortable to play again.

We thought we would finally see tauren in the game, but no. Still the same dead unit without any changes. I don’t understand the idiots who whined about the lack of a T3 unit for the orcs. THEY NEVER HAD IT.

master log:

  • Glove of Haste attack speed increased from 15% to 20%

  • Glove of Haste attack speed reduced from 20% to 17.5% (15%)
    here some difference

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I think if you want to increase the probability of Tauren appearing, you need to design a new skill for him, such as “Attack Dash/Impact/Charge/”

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Please make it so destroyers cannot absorb anti magic shield. UD vs UD late game is a nightmare of mass destroyers vs mass destroyers on ladder. Much less variety now on ladder. This would not impact any other match up and it was like this previous.

I know this has nothing to do with the current changes, but its to revert a previous balance patch you guys did which has made ud vs ud go from very fun to miserable late game.


i haven’t had a chance to check the replay files but just bumping again the request to add item drop tables to the replay file please and thank you

I personally root for x2 changes: moon wells and wisp HP, rest are whatever (for elf). Maybe with those two at least one elf player would be able to win at least 1 tournament, esp against undeads - where it needs help most. Thank you, Blizzard.

cost for a circlet to 200 and its perfect.


Considering the huge amount of buffs elfs get across the board perhaps the Demon Hunter could be brought back a in line a little. Mana burn is an unfun and way too powerful mechanic and should be tuned down.

Perhaps another trade off could be the ease with which night elf expands and tree of life build time could be nerfed by 10-15 seconds to give other races more of a chance.

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If you remove T2 Taurens then compensate it with Resistant Skin just like MGs.

Not cool to see so many NE buffs compared to what ORC will receive in this patch.

Buff orc!


another ne patch update
with 60exp wywerns it will be fast tech mass wyws vs all, except mirror

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