Using a custom loading screen places the race crest (orc/human/undead/night elf shields). Normally the banner shouldn’t be there, allowing us to place our own crests within a custom loading screen.
Example: imgur. com/a/yiFJ3UC
The problem is, we cannot replace webui\loadingscreen\campaign\crests\wc3_map_raceicon_orc.png with a different/empty png file. The game just selects the standard race crest.
If the workaround would work, this change would allow us to be more flexible in designing our loading screens/crests- but all old custom campaigns that had their own crest (and are unlikely to be updated) will suffer.
Is this extremely annoying issue still on the PTR?
I can understand if such a feature is added for multiplayer, but PLEASE not in custom games or custom campaign games. It makes NO sense! So many fine custom campaigns that their authors have put hundreds of hours into have been slapped in the face with a move like this, which I hope is NOT the developers’ intention.
This bug is still relevant for current 1.36.1 version.
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Still relevant for 1.36.2 too.
Still relevant for (PTR update from April 25, 2024).
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Come on, dev team, we believe in you, we believe that you can hide pic from the screen!
Updated title for 21100
The crest can be overwritten via local files, but manipulating them is an undesirable, final option. We need an in-editor solution.
As a fan of fan content, this point became annoying, although they could have changed the format of the loading screens to fit the entire screen instead.
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