12 unit groups is an integral part of skill in this game

I actually hate this lol.

If they split the community one side will swallow the other, most probably the no cap side will be the one with the new influx of players. But it is such a minor thing that I’d rather keep the 12 cap than these silly and dangerous compromises.

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Yikes. Mate, the fun of the game is exactly the micro management you have to do, the cap issue we brought is more of a QoL change to a legacy system, I don’t want to see the game playing itself.

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that video link made me really happy thx now i got really alot hope for warcraft 3 reforged

The WC 3 community was small to begin with, and most of it is Custom Game based, the actual ladder community is really really really small.

They had the same game for like 15 years at this point man - the game needs more players, and a change like this could make it so the New Player experience is not that brutal.

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I understand I’m pretty far out here. But how I see it, there’s always plenty to do - more scouting (and anti-scouting). More harassment and sneaking and faking. More simultaneous creeping. When you free the player from menial tasks they’ll need to do brainier tasks to stay competitive.

Maybe I need to go make my own, though, and stop derailing this thread.

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The community is already divided, as an example I can give myself as a player, I have never played Warcraft in a normal game of pvp with other players, I am not enjoying it at all. I definitely prefer custom maps with mods in which various interesting scenarios and mini-games are played.

I understand players who are struggling to maintain the standard as the ladder is very important for them and that’s how they spend their time in the game.

I’m just saying that the division is already and the separation of 2 separate modes is a natural matter, you can not tell me that there is no division because you and me are two different people playing differently in the same game.

Same as up. For you it is fun, for me it’s a torment that makes it difficult for me to play the game like I want.

You can express your opinion no one will threaten you, but In my opinion there is no majority or right. Here are two communities.

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How big is w3 current competitive scene? Blizz didnt changed mechanics in starcraft remastered because korean starcraft scene is BIGGER than starcraft 2 scene and their pros especially said they dont want ANY changes other than graphics so the game plays EXACLY the same.

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I’m talking solely on PvP melee. There is no sense in splitting this game mode in 2.

P.S. I’m literally the most stubborn defender of the removal of the cap, but splitting the player base is suicide at this point. I would rather a definitive decision where some people have to comply against their taste than this bizarre compromise.

I hate “elitist” arguments like this. There are a finite number of actions you’re capable of taking at any given time. That number is always smaller than the number of actions you need to be taking during that time. Removing the cap just shifts a very small number of your finite actions to something else. Better players will still distinguish themselves by performing faster, better actions than their opponents during the match.

The argument is kind of null anyway. Now players can A-move deathball? They could before, they just had to click 1-2 extra buttons to do it. Deathballing is still a bad strategy, and keeping your entire army grouped on one key is almost always a bad strategy too.


This is not going to be changed, ever.

Some guys will keep whining but this is like SC:Remastered. The old mechanics are kept.

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They have already stated they intent to change the 12 unit limit. The question they are discussing is how they do it, i.e. having two different ladders.

It might sound stupid for those who will never need it. However, for many people and in fact the majority of people it’s a quality of life improvement. Not just for ladder but also for many custom maps that require the use of lots of units.

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Do you have a link for that? The last Q&A I watched said they hadn’t decided, but it sounded like they were leaning toward not changing it,

if I am not mistaken it was here as I wrote earlier

That link in no way confirms an “intent to change the 12 unit limit.” He said that was “something we could entertain” and pitched an idea for how they might do it. That link most definitely does not confirm they’re changing the 12 unit limit. It was pure speculation.

But also they didn’t said that were leaning toward not changing it. Thet said they think about it.

Definitely. I agree they’re thinking about it. Though I’m personally skeptical, they typically say they’ll think about everything pitched to them by the community. What they definitely didn’t say though is that they intend to change it.