1 VS 1 Bug

My friend and I bought the game to play each other like we used to as kids, but the game is not allowing us to play. When I create a room and invite him, he accepts and the game says “Failed to Join”. When he sends me the invite, it says the same thing. So we wasted money and are instead getting frustrated unable to play each other.

Probably a network issue like firewalls, proxy, that sort of thing. Otherwise, just make it public and see if they can join on their own. close all the slots after if you dont want anyone else.

But perhaps you could be more specific about what you mean so I can be more sure.

Are you going to Custom Games, creating a game, and having them join it like this?


Are you both playing the same version? Make sure you’re both playing Live and not on the Public Test Realm, as shown above the Play button in the battle.net app.

Are you both able to play regular Melee games on your own (Versus mode)?

If you’re unable to get it to work, you can refund, no harm no foul.

But if you see this, perhaps I can try to help in-game if you post with your battletag.

Bought this game almost a year ago. Had lots of crash issues. Decided to let the technical team fix the issues so I came back to it last night to replay and surprise surprise. Decided to crash on me on the very first level! Is anyone at Blizzard even monitoring this garbage heap of a game?

You know if you want to rant that’s your choice but if your issue isn’t related to the one in the thread you should make your own instead of getting in the way of other people trying to solve their own problems.

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