1 troll derailing ffa ranked games

Hello, I know the ffa scene in reforged is completely dead so I’ve just settled for playing lame 4 player ffa games in ranked mode.

For the past few days there has been this player that has a ragnaros icon and selects random race that leaves as soon as the match begins, completely ruining the game since it’s only 4 players.

It’s been almost a week since he’s been doing this, is there any way to remove this player from queueing? (Azinoth#2437, that’s the player)

I don’t really see the problem here. A leave just increases your chance of being in the top 2 and gaining MMR. and a 3-way is still a free for all.

3 way is a worthless match not worth playing at all, talk about an unfun game. 4 ffa is already kinda lame but tolerable, about the ladder comment I’m not sure if people care about the ladder in this game, and I think you “can’t lose” for some reason lol.

He and his leaver buddy are making games unplayable.

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well, that’s subjective and a matter of opinion. Frankly I’ll happily take the free not-4th-place finish.

I mean you can report them on the score screen after the game for gameplay sabotage if it really matters that much to you, but it most likely won’t result in anything unless everyone else in the game feels the same way and also reports them and they continue to get reported consistently.

Same moron still ruining games, considering there are people who defend this I think I’ll just uninstall and do something else, let this game die already with people like this lol.