Beta Notes

Up for the question about MAC compatibility !
Any update coming ?

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Guys, I see the black screen when opening the game, you only see the hand, and update the drivers and install programs such as directx and opengl, but still nothing, any idea please?

hi, any ideas when we are getting working 144Hz framerate support…?

I have spoils of war and I have beta access. In the battle.net launcher you have to press the “region / account” tab and change it to Warcraft III: Reforged Beta

I have spoils of war and I have beta access. In the battle.net launcher you have to press the “region / account” tab and change it to the beta version

you need hear the community…
Improve the response and movility from unit just like sc2, and please finish to update the entire graphics, the model look good ! but the effect like light/shadow and reflection not. very outdate.

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I’ve got problems with the editor.
I opened my map in the new editor, but spells on custom heroes are either, replaced by flamstrike, banish or divine shield etc. Or they are just placed wrong on the bar and not working. Anyone else with the same problems?



Reposting here to hopefully get more exposure from our beta testers. Blizzard, can you tell us why these voice clips are being changed? I attended the Reforged panel at Blizzcon and it was stated that the voices are not being re-done or re-mastered. That’s great news to me, but these files are clearly being tampered with. What’s going on???

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i still get the bug where i start the game and the screen stays black i only hear the audio i already updated all my drivers

Yea, old maps laoded with new editor are buggy af when it comes to abilities.

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since when pre alpha is called beta? i cant even have a game thats how buggy it is. from 10 “games found” i get to the loading screen max 3 times and in those those 3 cases smby disconect 100% in first second.

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Blizzard can’t in MM.
Now I’m afraid to imagine what will happen with the rating

just chill and relax.

Bought the game on first minutes of release. (didn’t get the beta, i am an experienced user of WE with over 10 years of experience, and a youtuber for Wc3) feels bad man… feels bad.

LAN is still broken since 1.30.2. The game is not able to download maps from a LAN host. It tries to download it from Blizzard server and fails.
I hope you will fix it before WC3 Reforged release.

https:// clips.twitch. tv/BrainyCreativeDragonflyAliens

workaround: put the map on the download folder of the guests so they don’t need to download it?

Petite question. Quand pourra t’on s’entraîner contre les ia ? parce que le multi c’est bien mais quand tu te fais instadead en 10 minutes c’est difficile et ça motive pas quoi btw :confused:

i have the game locking at 24 hertz/refresh and it makes the game (with obviously beautiful models) almost unplayable, screen tearing often. i dont think a game should run like this. is this being addressed? i see people asking all over the forums but no real response yet.

Why would I bother myself by copying every map to the guest when Blizzard can fix that.