Review so far…
Female DK is nice but male variant should also spawn (haven’t seen that yet)
Acolyte looks good
Fiends are nice
Wyrms (abit small), gargs (abit small) and destoryers are nice.
CL now gaining spikes per lvl of ability is nice (but why are they red?)
Lich is also nice.
Spell animations and details are missing (infernal,locust swarm etc)
Some spells are stup*d in appearnce like carrion swarm and coil.
Ziggaurat summoning animation is bigger than necropolis summoning animation (lol)
Abom (might want to be more light grey/white) whole race is grey and dull.
Blight has no effects in it like (green glow) of original
Buildings are too bright (green)
Ghouls blend in alot with skeletons
Shade is almost too invisble lol
Graveyard (outpost thingys; the crosses are too far away) bring them closer it creates more clunk (appearance wise)
Dreadlord seems small and weaker than classic DL
Overall pretty good just some small stuff.