Zerg and protoss are easy races

You dont have to do anything except attack A

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Hi Artosis, love your content.

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Protoss players be calm. Whatever side you choose from, you best move on.

At least that’s how they would promote the greatest debate about John Cena vs The Rock at Wrestlemania back in 2013. Nowadays we’re truly wondering which race is far more superior. Rather it be a black or white guy fighting over fried rice while massacring Zerg lives. They got to take the commentator position if they want to announce a desk compliation. Like call them the menace or a politician but life is just an image full of trenches.

Some people work unemployed in The Void while the homeboys avoid Home Depot for the noise.

Some even pompously say, “I played StarCraft all my life”. This is the recap for the mishaps that missed the first act like my spinal reacts to those who came back. Are you back? My back better come back with back-up because its back to the wall like it got shot up.