The ladder season has been reset with the ladder map maintained, and I wonder why.
Is it intentional?
Or is it just an error?
The ladder season has been reset with the ladder map maintained, and I wonder why.
Is it intentional?
Or is it just an error?
How come never any balance changes? I know trying to stay true to the original, but I think some slight changes to balance would be healthy for the game
Not just new map pools and nothing else
This hurts me.
I’ve played StarCraft since it first came out in demo version back when I was a kid.
Just returned to playing in December… pretty hardcore in it. Probably played about 500 matches since then, most of it ladder.
No announcement of season ending? No new maps, no portraits, no nothing?
Why the do you act like you don’t care about us? This hurts my soul.
It’s strange that ladder has been reset without any news. Communication is needed.
If we’re going to start a new season, hopefully we can use the upcoming ASL 15 League maps.
When the project was in its infancy, Bliz polled the pros and other experienced players about what they wanted to see in a SC remaster.
One unanimous reply was that SC was perfect as it was in terms of balance. So it was decided early on that there would not be any balance changes as part of SCR.
So as far as sticking to the original, balance was going to literally remain unchanged.
Around Oct of 2020, the team that was developing SCR was eliminated, effectively ending all development on the game. Since then, season rolls have been few and far between likely due to no dedicated team being behind the wheel.
In the same vein as above, there is no community team on SCR either. With no developers or CMs, communication is going to be essentially non existent.
No. Cydra still here…
I have confirmed that the ladder season name has changed.
[Season 11 —> 2023 Season 1] Now we have the YYYY Season # rule.
I intentionally said “essentially non existent” for a reason. It’s possible that there will be communication sometimes, but it’s rare.
Cydra was not SC CM specifically. He was a general RTS CM who moved on to other genres when SC and SC2 ended development.
SCR never had dedicated CMs. The developers communicated directly with community.
I’m not saying that there won’t be any communication, from Cydra or anyone else. Just that SCR is for the most part on autopilot with very little interaction.
Thanks for your feedback. That’s good to know!