Why didn`t open that Keyboard commands working when the mouse is held down on 1.22.4 version

why didn`t open that Keyboard commands working when the mouse is held down in 1.22.4 version

huh? i am really waiting for this sh`t


same but do you really need to be so hostile?


Agree, just release it, or better yet release it as something that can be toggled on or off. If some people don’t like it then they can just turn it off. Blizzard please hurry up with this quality of life fix.


Of course not , but i am really wandering what makes them afraid. What s the thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whats wrong with you guys!!!
Just release zit

The classic games team has already decided that it’s a change they want to make. I’d prefer that they make sure there aren’t any new bugs introduced by it as opposed to shipping it too soon.

I think it will be released , 2020

Maybe koreans didn’t approve this yet and needs further testing.

whose makes decision, no one test anywhere even testserver no one there

Apparently this feature was in the mcalauncher which was required to play in fish server. Most koreans who cared about starcraft played on fish server.

People who played on west competitively used some type of launcher that also had this feature.

I don’t think there is testing required, we were already used to this feature. The players who are new to the game would never notice the difference because they don’t hot key quick enough.

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Issue may be technically implementing it in the current build, and less about whether or not they want to push the change.

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It’s already on the test server…