Why can’t the data displayed when watching the replay be displayed when watching the game?

I never understand,Why can’t the data displayed when watching the replay be displayed when watching the game?Are you worried that we see too well?Ask for answers

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Because some of this community allways needs to f. complain to everys.

Same with the colors…
We had than, than some m. began to ask to roll back the update to totally delete them … Just f. stupid …
OF course it would be better, if they actually had done some of the more important problems… 2 vs2 or network problems, But when they already were there there was really no reason to roll it back…

Other reason being that for the e-sport they didnt want it since for some odd reason commentator wouldnt be able to not show this data…
The prime solution to this problem was that it would be custom to show this data, just like the vision, when you click on one players it shut down his vision same with that data … But no…

Now we are stuck with an Observer -mode with only function to save games, since it is in every regard worse that replay mode …

Other reason from some other people it would be more information to give teams if there was an watching observer helping one of the players …