Why are my maps changing?

My maps keep changing on their own, without my say in the matter. I spent hours changing the resource amount on my maps from the default of 1500 min 5000 ves to 50000 everything and they all changed back.

Why, I even saved them. Also maps keep getting added to my folder, maps that weren’t there before. Is there a spirit going around sabotaging my game?

It’s most likely that you joined someone else’s game who hosted the map with the same filename, as a result, your modified map was overwritten.

I don’t play with people online, I only play single player, and all my maps changed. The only time I tried going online is to try and find the multiplayer’s single player mode from decades ago.

Is accessing battle.net going to reset all my maps?

EDIT: If I change the name of a map by adding a ! in front of it like !(8)Station Unrest.scm will that keep it from changing? I’m asking because I don’t want to spend hours changing maps only for it to change back in a week.

It seems (8)Station Unrest.scm is part of the Starcraft’s default maps, so I assume if you modify it and then log in into Starcraft, the server will check game’s default maps. If it notices they were modified, it will overwrite them when the original version. That’s the only thing I can think of.

If you’d rename the map to !(8)Station Unrest.scm it should work.

The maps that you see added to your folder should be due to cloud syncing during log in, as you had them on your PC at some point, and they got auto uploaded to Blizzard’s cloud. I think only the maps that you played the most got uploaded.

If you could perform some tests and let us know, it would be great.

Okay, thank you for your help. I will add (!) to all the files I change, I would rather Blizzard just leave my files alone. As for the maps that were added, it’s only a feeling, like there are new maps that I swear weren’t there before. I don’t know how to test it, I suppose I could look at “date added.”

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Which maps are you changing, as in, which ones in the game’s folder?

I’m trying to change ALL of them. A good example, I recently changed all the maps in the StarCraft\Maps\BroodWar\Allied folder by giving them 50000 resources per unit. I renamed them all by adding a (!), for example, !(4)Highland Denizens.scm and then deleted the original file (4)Highland Denizens.scm. Today I looked at the folder and found there are two sets of maps, one with the ! and the other without.

Starcraft is literally adding maps I don’t want. How do I stop this?

Also how do I play allied maps? I remember there used to be a single player mode in multiplayer where you could add computer allies but that single player is gone. Now I think I actually have to go online to do this. Why can’t single player have the same features as multiplayer without people?

If you are saving them in those default installed folders, the game will repair any changes made to them each time the game launches. Try saving your versions in a separate folder and location.

As for the multiplayer questions, I’ll look when I get home later. From what I remember nothing has changed with custom games.

Okay so I looked at the “Single Player” custom game section. There never was an option to play with computer allies in single player mode, so it’s also not an option in SCR.

I looked in “Multiplayer” custom games and that is were the option to have computer allies is. It’s the “Top vs Bottom” game type. You don’t have to be online if you don’t want, just use the LAN option instead.

I understand, and you answered my question about multiplayer’s single player mode. I didn’t know what you meant by LAN but I saw Local Area Network and figured it out.

Thank you

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