When i'm playing it tells me you can't build any more units

Tengo un problema con el mapa cuando estoy jugando veo suministro cerca de 108 o 124 me aparece que “No puedes contruir mas unidades” que crean que es eso mire el editor del mapa trato de corregir pero nada no se me soluciona que saben que configuracion es el editor del mapa para corregir eso.


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I have a problem with the map when I’m playing I see supply around 108 or 124 it says “You can’t build more units” what do you think that is I looked at the map editor I tried to fix it but nothing is not solved what do you know what configuration the map editor is to fix that.

Maybe you don’t have supply and forgot how to make more? but that makes me wonder how you got supply to over 100 in the first place.

What map are you playing?

Is it a custom map made by a player(s)?

I hit that error when there’s more units than the game allows.
I played a 4v4 long ago and they opponents all massed carriers. With each carrier building 8 interceptors, and a lot of workers, this can happen.

It also happens in some single player games when I was a kid. The scenario was I played BGH on Melee, vs 7 computers, and they’d mass in tidal waves of units, while I had all 3 races mind controlled massing a big army. The error would say I can’t make more units despite having half my supply occupied for, I think was, Zerg? On top of that, units like the Valkyrie are unable to fire projectiles because I guess there’s so much happening with tons of units on the map.

My hatcheries would also stop producing larva until I killed off some units.

EDIT: Note these scenarios were before Remastered, so I don’t know if this is resolved with Extended vs Original when hosting?

Here’s the map limits for Starcraft 1.16.1, aka original units:

, and here’s the map limits for SC:R, aka extended units, although not complete:

(this info seems to be newer)

(this info seems to be older)

It seems with SC:R a plugin called Unlimiter can be used to remove those limits:

Have a read at this post, as it also talks about removing unit limits for SC 1.16.1 by using a plugin called aiscript debug/teippi:


I can’t attach image and map for more detail.
However the situation is the map is 5v3 susu Hard Comps (50 UPGRADE) I modified it to make it more difficult with conditions, but when I start playing with any race when I have 45/138 or 75/109 in the supply part I can’t create more buildings and units; also I get a message “You can’t build more units” that we are at minute 8 there it appears in multiplayer mode.

It is because you hit the map unit limits.

For original units the limit is 1700 units:

For extended units the limit is 3400 units:

When you’re hosting the game pick Unit Limits: Extended.

If you reach the 3400 unit limit on the map, then you should define on the map areas that will remove enemy units, but I think for that you might need the use of EUD:

I’m not an experienced mapmaker, so my advice might not be the best on how to deal with changes in the map. But for sure other users in this forum could help you out.

Or you can try talking with the people at:

, as for sure they know how to solve this problem.

They have a discord server, but unfortunately I can’t send an invite, so try to see if these links still work:

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Thanks master, I will review it and find a solution; I wish you luck.

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You’re welcome! I wish you the same!

este es el mapa que les mencionaba si desean jugarlo adelante es un 5v3 suso Hard Comps, pero la diferencia esta en las unidades tipo heroes que aparece cada cierto tiempo si no lo terminas por mas que tienes altas defense se transpasa y gracias.
h ttps://mega.nz/file/dwhnlBSQ#ox4VZ1nvisSMVe_MQG6qX8SE_y7mH6mrX0xUEJcj2CM
por si acaso las primera letras del link lo junta la h y ttps, no se porque no me permite subir el link.

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