US West, 1200 MMR filled with Korean PC Bang accounts

Hey, I’m not very good at the game, and live on the west coast.
my MMR is F rank, and all my matchups are against Koreans .
After talking to them it appears they are all playing from PC bangs, that deliberately tank accounts and set them on US West and sell that as a product. (my only wins are from instant leavers)

I was hoping ranked would be a good tool to help learn the game to match me against like skilled players in my area for low latency play but it appears as if that isn’t the case for USWest.
Every match I go into its high latency, lots of lag and my opponents are talking Korean telling me how bad I am and to leave the game.

Considering the pay structure there’s no monetary incentive to make changes to this; so take this as a PSA to new players, that want to try use the MMR bracket for easy casual play; you will not get that.

It is C&B rank players from 1000 mmr - 1700 MMR. these extra accounts are basically there to just inflate the MMR total of the regions.
If and A rank player places the account in 2k range, then tanks it, all that 1000 mmr gets displaced into the player pool as a whole.

Personally I think because of this exploiting, E and F rank accounts should be deducted from the total player pool when calculation the player capacities for A and S capacity limits.

and that A and S tiers should be global limits battled in regions instead of region limited battled in region.

this means, that poor regions unless they meet global standards of gameplay will not have A and S tier rank players.; this mean that people will feel compelled to region hop.
and it would completely disencitivize.

although the problem will still exist of PC bangs tanking MMR to sell easy wins to their customers in Korea by the same methods the problem of MMR inflation would be drastically reduced from this phenomenon, while keeping global standards for the best players. and would incentivize the best players to aggregate in proximity to each other to reduce their latencies.

unfortunately the way the network connection in game is designed the person living in the region of the server is punished by the person connecting from outside the region.
this should be resolved by always disadvantaging the person outside of the region. while prioritizing latency to the person inside the region.

maybe this is what happens by forcing low latency mode on all games.

Maybe a ranked tickbox for forced low latency mode always. so PC bangs lose the market they have by exporting easy wins into the USWest region Ranked matchup system.

Then again, no one is going to read or care about this anyway; your welcome; having a player opting in to a forced low latency Ranked Games is probably the easiest solution to a long lasting problem the game has had to begin with. I say this because people hate lagging more than they love winning.

I suggest you to find practice partners who are similar rank. useful information on
and GitHub - TheEngineeringBay/Starcraft-Community-Resources: A list of starcraft sites and communites (discord part for example)


Ladder is garbage. And isnt about practise really. YOu play on ladder to face Death, that is a fact. YOu play ladder after practised whole day basicly. If you play ladder you just go there with the mindset to lose, but try your best. You go to ladder, when you have done your homework and want to see what the world throws at you not to practise… LoL

You already seemed to know the answer. My friend and I are using 1G internet, and unfortunately, almost 100% of game have to be played under high latency. I actually kept a record of the lags on an excel sheet but quickly stopped recording b/c literally all the games were lagged since late last year. Thus, I defined lag as follows:

If the turn rate is 14+, low/high latency and the game is not slowed at all, then no lag
otherwise, lag.

Even with this lowered definition of lag, 30~80% of my games, depending on the day, are laggy. If you are living in the west coast, all I can say is that you are probably better off than me.

Oh wait, to be fair, I am using laptop, which I think is contributing to the lag. So my suggestion for you would be: get better internet and play on desktop. I think that is the best you can do.

Ranked matchmaking is global. Meaning that no matter what gateway you are signed into the matchmaking pool wont change.
Its global, and it’s that way due to low population and search times.

Idk what else to tell ya bud.
I quit sc, it’s basically dead and going nowhere.

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Just wanted to highlight this.

Only the Custom Game mode is divided up by server/region.

I keep writing about these smurfs and bsl-climbers everywhere, but people (who are obviously doing it themselves) are defending it with obnoxious messages like: “duurrr durr it’s good to fight players with 2500 mmr because you gitgud that way, durr duurr”. En taro Karen.

Anyways, do what I do - disconnect them. If you have some spare time you can even waste theirs by turtling for 15 minutes and then dc’ing them. They spam me with rage messages and death threats afterwards. Funny.