The Insurgent - Ep. 9: Assault on Khalos (map)

With the promise of the Hudson Militia Captain to grant military support, Horner and Radner land in Khalos to confront Dr. Magnus and his new ally… General Jackson.

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List of episodes:

The Blue Pearl Army must now head out on a risky mission, to command a safe position on Khalos. This is the first time the army has to launch an attack on the main planet of the Protoss in Samos. The weakest point is in the settlement area of Jackson and Dr. Magnus. Horner is looking for a special device called “Field Generator”, which presumably enhances Protoss abilities, in addition to increasing their combat capabilities.
Triggers: Units are randomized for some attacks, just like in mission #7, while their targets are randomized as well, like in #3, #4, #6 and #7.

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