Once link posting is allowed, I’ll clean up the thread’s visuals.
Visual Archive: (hosted through Google Sheets)
Download Listing: (hosted through MEGA)
Originally posted by Church on CampaignCreations, this listing boasts the most complete list of custom campaigns created for Starcraft. If you have information you would like to contribute, please post below or contact me directly.
As a disclaimer, please remember that:
-Many of these campaigns have mod components that will only function on version 1.16.1 of StarCraft.
-All mod files I’m aware of work exclusively on Windows (i.e. no Mac support).
-Some mod files are so old that they do not currently function with modern Windows OS, and I am in the process of updating them so that they may be experienced again.
With the advent of StarCraft: Remastered, it is important for us to pay respect to the history of StarCraft’s fan campaign community. Every year since the release of StarCraft in 1998, at least one fan campaign project has been released for this game to this date. For a game to receive such treatment even two decades later is impressive, but unfortunately, many of these campaigns have become difficult to locate over the years. As more and more StarCraft fansites go down and forum attachments get corrupted, the years and years worth of effort, passion, and creativity put in by campaign makers is at a risk of being lost forever.
Here, with the help of the community, I have compiled a year-by-year list of as many StarCraft fan campaigns as I can find. It is the most complete list you will be able to find online. Take some time to peruse the list, try out a few campaigns, and experience some of the richness of StarCraft’s fan campaign history.
Other useful links:
SEN mirror: (most up-to-date thread)
CampaignCreations thread: (the original post by Church, now outdated)
chainwmode by Neiv: (for playing 1.16.1 mods in windowed mode)
My discord server: (custom content community, open to all, be you a player or a developer)